Let's Talk about Collecting Narrative Games in Libraries

With much gentle ribbing from me, my local library has some cautious interest in hearing more about this project. Is there a URL I can share with them or somewhere they can submit an email sign-up for updates on this project?


That’s great, Pinkunz! You can have them email me directly (ccpost@uncg.edu) for more information.

I’ve put in a grant proposal that would provide funding to host a bigger conversation and initiate a planning process for libraries to develop strategies for licensing digital games (both commercial and non-commercial), but that project wouldn’t start until the summer. If that project gets funded, I’ll be looking for both public and academic libraries interested in joining the project, so I’d love to start developing a contact list of potentially interested organizations.

In the meantime, I’m plodding my way through the information I collected from this first round of exploratory interviews. I hope to have more to share in this space and elsewhere in the months ahead.