Last Minute Magic information collection post

I very much enjoyed Ryan Veeder’s previous Skuga Lake game.

This version is optimized, which is tricky when it’s so hard to know what the items do.

For those not aware, the way the magic system works is that you have amulets which are usually (but not always) themed around animals. Amulets are powered by gemstones which each give a category of power.

I played through once. In the following post, I’m going to record what I discovered, but I won’t spoiler it, and don’t expect anyone else to do so. This is the only spoiler warning!


Here are the amulets and stones I found and the powers I gained from them, and where they were useful:

  • a muskellunge amulet
  • a pumpkin amulet
  • an otter amulet
  • a squirrel amulet
  • a raccoon amulet
  • a buffalo amulet

Olivine: this lets you talk with the represented animal. I only found a muskellunge, which told me about a whistle in its mouth.

Quartz: This one lets you point at things to gain different powers. These powers were:

  • Muskellunge: usually did nothing, but pointing at one person made their nose sharper.
  • pumpkin: make plants grow. Leaves are already dead and don’t work, flowers in park makes one get big but doesn’t implement the big one, tree mildly but unobservably changes
  • otter: covers things in soap. Makes people trip.
  • squirrel: makes things disappear. I hoped it was making things teleport to the cauldron but I disappeared something and it did not appear in the cauldron. only works on small things.
  • raccoon: cleans things. Used near pond to clean off an amulet.
  • Buffalo: made someone freeze. Might be a ‘push’ thing; maybe useful for eyeglasses? I ran out of time around then.

So that’s what I have so far. Has anyone found more amulets or stones, or does anyone have a map?


I’ve played for a bit; planning to experiment more (and make a map) tomorrow! But here are some things I’ve found out (updated):

Pearl eyestone (affects movement):

  • Buffalo amulet: When you enter a direction command, you’ll go as far in that direction as you can, taking only 3 seconds to travel between each room
  • Squirrel amulet: Traveling only takes 7 seconds instead of 20
  • Otter: Lets you walk on water
  • Muskellunge: Lets you walk on the bottom of the river/pond
  • Raccoon: Go through small spaces
  • Woodpecker: Climb trees
  • Pumpkin: Unable to move

Jade eyestone: Makes a different tool for each amulet. The tool only exists while you’re wearing the amulet.

  • Muskie: knife
  • Buffalo: mallet
  • Squirrel: screwdriver
  • Raccoon: can opener
  • Otter: squirt gun
  • Woodpecker: geologist’s hammer
  • Pumpkin: candle (lit)

Amber eyestone (messes with time):

  • Buffalo: Takes you to the past
  • Squirrel: Takes you to the future
  • Raccoon: Lets you spot a glow-in-the-dark item (discovered this one thanks to DemonApologist’s transcript!)
  • Pumpkin: Makes you old
  • Otter: Makes you a teen (there’s also a bug where this combo lets you walk in on the bottom of the river/pond)
  • Woodpecker: Movement takes 10 seconds instead of 20
  • Muskie: Movement takes 30 seconds instead of 20

Spinel eyestone with…

  • Raccoon: Can search trash
  • Squirrel: Makes you remember where an item is hidden
  • Buffalo: “Your nostrils flare: There’s a nickel somewhere in this town.”
  • Muskie: Gives you sharp teeth (can’t talk to people)
  • Otter: “You feel deep currents, flowing slowly over… something.” (haven’t discovered the utility of this)
  • Pumpkin: Your right arm turns into a prehensile vine (can reach far away things)
  • Woodpecker: Teleport between trees by touching them
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All right, I edited my post above with some new info, and have made a map! Will replace this one with an updated version once I play more. If anyone wants a map with locations only (no object notations), let me know and I can share that version too!

Edit: New and improved map!

I now know how to get 28 of the 30 trinkets; I’m guessing one of the last ones has to do with the otter/spinel combo, and I have no idea about the last one…


Thanks for your map and your list! I wasn’t able to get to 28 tokens, but I got a lot more with your help.

I think the otter with spinel combo tells you when you’re in a location next to water and something is hidden under the water.


David Welbourn has now made a complete walkthrough for this game:


Oh wow, I had no idea you could talk to the pumpkin! The four-leaf clover and the sunglasses are the two I missed.

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