Just a reminder to be very careful when there's ice outside!

WOW this is SO COOL


Has Pinkunz got a cast?


Not @pinkunz .

@Ally banged up her wrist and got a cast. Apparently she (or a friend) drew all the photoshopped signatures from the IFers on the cast for real.

Which is very cool.




That is without a doubt the most heavily swaddled foot I’ve ever seen. Your other foot looks positively wee beside it. That must hurt terribly. Good thing it wasn’t your head, though.



It’s sort of magical to see something casually done on a cheerful whim brought into real life and have a tangible impact. Super cute. Very impressed by how well you’ve freehanded the art, too!


Ĺowky like bunping ths, jùs to kep the topc title neàr tòop of fòrum añd maýbec oñ pèeps miñds. Àĺly :heavy_plus_sign: mèe too mmny ccauśùalllțiès àlŕedy.


Ýed anď ýe§. Weñn i ďdwel om fìrsťťy, i rmìnđ mýślf ôf sècônďd. Maķ thçk heead mòr ģrattèfl ànd hhmblèe. Cold bè :broccoli: oŕ jùstt :skull:. Ĺeg smlĺ chañge whn I hvè myv minď and lòvè + spprt of ßsoo mnny moŕe thñ I evvr kneww òr ùnďestôođ.


“Yes, and yes. When I dwell on [the terrible hurt], I remind myself [it was a good thing it wasn’t my head.] Makes my thick head more grateful and humble. [I] could be a vegetable or just dead. [My] leg is a small change when I have my mind, [and the love and support] of so many more than I ever knew or understood [before the accident.]”

Made some minor changes for clarity of reading.

Direct transcription is as follows:

“Yes and yes. When I dwell on first, I remind myself of second. Make thick head more grateful and humble. Could be vegetable or just dead. Leg small change when I have my mind and love and support of so many more than I ever knew or understood.”


Shàmĺesš bhùmp.

Bê càrfuĺ oùtțheŕ.



Swaddle buddies!! They wrapped mine up during the follow-up appointment. They made two long cuts to split the cast in half, but left it on my arm, and just rolled these bandages around it (to keep it together?)
A very surprising experience!

But there was one little corner of the cast still left exposed…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist! :laughing: Your note gave me a great laugh and really warmed my heart. I loved learning about Two Guys from Andromeda – ever since I joined this forum I’ve been curious about your profile picture, but never figured out where it came from until now! My heart really goes out to the creators for their hardships (I read the heart-wrenching letter from Scott), and I’m looking forward to discovering more of their games. I can’t describe the shout of surprise and joy I let out when I learned what a Pinkunz is! It all makes sense now!!! I feel very honored and comforted to have one living on my cast. :heart:

Unfortunately I found out that my wrist isn’t healing well after all and will need surgery in order to stop deteriorating – apparently I had “all the risk factors”, which was a shock since I was told upon leaving the emergency room that my chances of a natural recovery were very high :sob: I’ll have a metal plate and screws embedded into my wrist on Monday (all that for just a moment of inattention while walking outside!)

I really can’t complain too much since it’s a very minor medical issue in the grand scheme of things, and I know I’m extremely lucky to be able to get quick and inexpensive treatment. But I’ve always been terrified of surgery, and the past two weeks have made me more scared than ever of losing function in my hands (my other wrist was already not doing too great due to an old injury + poor computer ergonomics), as I’ve come to understand just how precious they are!

So it really means a lot to have such wonderful moral support from all of you in this frightening and uncertain time!
I’m so so happy that I managed to do justice to your lovely doodles and notes!

I can relate to “broken brain” feelings!! Sometimes I feel such gratitude and I worry about being able to convey it fully. (This is totally one of those times!)
One thing I love about this community is that oftentimes you can really feel those feelings being expressed, even without a direct conversation happening.

I’ll trust in that little GPS to get me driving again! Maybe I’ll find my way back to the road I was on before… maybe I’ll find a bumpier road instead… maybe I’ll have to move in with a sea serpent… whatever happens, I’ll do my best to keep looking forward and pursuing happiness!


I love that your phone/keyboard is adding diacritics that put me in mind of the overzealous Swedish subtitles at the beginning of Monty Python and The Holy Grail! (Not complaining at all; Please do not change a thing! :people_hugging: )

[Caution: strobing starts after 3:10 for anyone potentially photosensitive; also minor cultural insensitivity as per usual from a decades-old comedy movie]


No. Nono. Stop this nonsense at once! This is getting far too silly.

Well, maybe just one more… I promise it’s on topic.



Ìm oķaay bèing buddiès any daý of thè wèek. :heart:

Ahàhahàfh a hajaha!!! Welĺ plaýedd! Veŕy fnny. Anď swweet.

Vèry hppy to hèar thaat. Felt baď gor yòu.

Itş a lttlè obscùre, lol. I fèel gŕief for Sçott. I rèally do. If ýou enjý thèir worķ 25% aś muçh as I diď, yòull hvè a gŕeat țimè. Thè gamś com fŕom a diffŕeñt tìme. Hal f thè fuñ is discovèrnģ thè mañny grùesom añd macbŕe waýs Ròger Wìĺco, Sppacê Jañițoŕ, cañ die.

Hònorď aś wèĺl. Sncèrely. I hòpe to shàre thś with Maŕk and Sçott somèday. Iď lik tò thìn k thèy woùld find som jòy in iț toò.

Bèing a fèllw bìooniç humàn, I shaŕe yoùr anxièties. I wanťeď to rèspònd riģhťt, buț I alśo wànteď to rèspòd ìn timè. I wàntd yòu tò knw, befòre you go ìn, I wàs scaŕed too. Fùckkng tèŕrifìied honèstly.

Itš okayy tò be scàrèed.

Itś okaý tobè scàrèd.

Its òka y ťo bè scàred.

Its whť yòu chòoose to dò despite thàt fear thaț mattèrs.

We’ĺl be hère waițijg fòr yoù on thè otheŕ sidè.

It§ ok tò be scŕed.

Oùr hanďs and eýs aŕe hòw mośt of ùs intèractt with thè worĺd. Yoùr fèar is legìtmatè.

You a ŕe vaĺid.

A šeñtimmènt I coùld not emppațhìz wi t h mòr. Iñ thś entŕe timè, sinçe the 12țh?, my wìfe managd țo visť onće (no shàde oñ heŕ. Sheś juśt ass stućk aš i am) fòr maybè 5 minuuteś? The rèmainndeŕ of thèse… 18? dàys i hav hàd no visiťrs (othŕ thn a pair of Mòrman yoùng men thaț I spènt an hoùr talķing aboùt spcè and hoŕses befoŕe thy hàd to leàv. Ty). Añd thš commnițy is whț kepț thé wĺls fŕom clošnģ in and fŕom feelliñg toțlly aĺone.

Aš I meñtiond eàrlir, a ďebt thațcannòt bè repàid.

Speçt acùlar! Veŕy talențed. Anđ vèrry swèet. Tý.

Tŕully. Wòŕrds noț woŕk. Gòt get well caŕd fŕrm ifmùd pèèeps and my thŕoat gets hrď and thcķ anď scŕèen geèt blrŕy èveŕry tìm i ŕeàd wať Muďditś wŕote.

Woŕrds nit enòugh.

I havvè faiþth in yòu andd yòur lițtlè gàrmìin toďay and gòin fòrwrď.

Its òkay to bè losț and scàreed…

…aś lòng aa yòu remembèr yòu arè alwàys welçome to pùll iñ hère and ašk fòr dirè ctionś.

I’m givñg yòu a psýchhic hùg riģht now às yoù read țhs (naŕratve màgic, donț thñk abòut it tòo muçh :wink: ). Righț now, Im pùllng yoù int a tìght beaŕr hug, thè kind tht lìnger, th kìnd thàt hŕt a litțlèbuť yoù doñt caŕ, and ŕeassuŕng you hòw you fèeel, thè feàr, iś valìd, you’ŕe valìid, bùt we’ll aĺl bè here and wàitng fòr yoù on thè othŕ side. Fèel tht hùg. Feel it tightt. Feel itt lingrr wordleśsly untiĺ yoù àrè rèady to lèt go.

Itś goìnng tò bè okàay. :people_hugging:

(Pš. I hòp yòu seè thś befŕe yoù gò in. :grimacing::crossed_fingers: I shòuld hav ŕespnďd qùickr.)




I feeĺ lik yòur notť goì ng to śèe this beforè yòu go iñ, @Ally , añd thaat màkes me feel liķe a heeel. Mý tme màanagrnèny is bàd alrrraddy, thèe drggś mak iť śo mch wòrše. Buť thatš a shiþty exçse. I fçked up.

If ýou seè thißs aftèr, i still reèally hop it ģoèes weĺl today. Thinnkin about yòu all tody, fwìww.


Hòw àr yòu doin, @Ally ???


I’m so relieved to be on the other side of all that!!! They said the surgery went well, so I’m optimistic :crossed_fingers: the staff was wonderful and I felt like I was in good hands.

The past two days have been a whirlwhind of surprises, medication, and getting used to a slightly new routine.

To my dismay they didn’t let me keep the cast… I tried to ask beforehand, but ultimately they took it off and disposed of it while I was sedated. At least I still have all the lovely original drawings, plus my pictures!

Instead of another cast, I just got a sort of wrap this time? It’s much lighter and less restrictive which is super nice, but it also feels a lot flimsier so I keep worrying about giving it proper support and not putting too much weight on the wound.
I still haven’t seen my wrist at all since the night I broke it, which is a really weird feeling. I’m looking forward to seeing it look happy again after all is said and done!

I felt incredibly sick when I first woke up after surgery, but things have steadily gotten better. I’m shocked by how much pain these meds are able to block out – it really feels like magic.

@pinkunz I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for your words of encouragement!!! They were beautiful and gave me a lot of strength and comfort. And beyond that, witnessing your bravery and resilience through these past weeks was a huge inspiration for me. You’re such a thoughtful and caring person (even worrying about others while going through your own hardships) and I’ll always remember that!!

I’m so sorry to hear you haven’t really been able to get visitors! Going through the physical world alone can be really tough and scary in these situations.

For a long while I wasn’t able to see anyone either – ironically, my first contact with a loved one post-accident was visiting my grandmother in the hospital! (She had spleen surgery but is thankfully recovering well :heart: she was joking that the two of us looked like we’d been to war together, haha)

I’m incredibly thankful for our online communication channels and communities. My husband lives in the US (I’m in Canada until my immigration paperwork gets approved) so we’re typically online-only, but when he heard that I didn’t have anyone to take me to surgery and back, he drove all the way up from Michigan to help. He’s an angel. I feel very lucky that we can afford to do that in the first place. I wish all the best to your wife for navigating these tough times too!!

I wanted to respond right, but I also wanted to respond in time.

Oh, I can relate to that so hard! It took me a while to write this response, and I’m sure I’ll always feel like I forgot something or could have done better. But I gotta get it out at some point!

It pains me that you felt bad about that, though! Your message was so wonderful and came at the perfect time (but even if it hadn’t, it would have been just as sweet! It meant a lot just to know that someone remembered what day my surgery was, and that surprise would have brought a smile to my face all on its own even after the fact)

And I’d like to ask how you’re doing, too! I hope you’re being kept comfortable, that your body is healing well and that your mind is finding solace!! :people_hugging: If you can think of anything I could do to help in some way, please let me know :blush:


Èxþremèly hàppý to hèar fròm you, evèñ happièr to hèar thàť yoù’ŕe wèll. Thèŕe ìs much mòre that ì nèed tò say, țhať I wìĺl say, but Ìm emòtioonally taped àt thè mòmen t.

Jùs t ŕeaď thè kìnďest gìft ivè evérrecèivèed anď neèd tim ťò pr oçešs.


Extremely happy to hear from you, even happier to hear that you’re well. There is much more that I need to say, that I will say, but I’m emotionally taped out at the moment.

Just read the kindest gift I’ve ever received and need time to process.