I've just messed something up I know must be simple!

I just changed something and I don’t know what.

It used to say the room description automatically when you entered and I’ve accidentally removed it. I could find posts about deliberately removing it but not about turning it back on :rofl:

I was trying to change something else ( so that if you open a door and look in to a room it doesn’t just say “you see nothing of interest”) and now I’m in a mess.

Please help. I’n in Inform 10 btw


Hmm, there are a number of ways this could be going wrong - can you post a minimal example from your code that demonstrates the problem?

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Yes, if you post the part you changed right before it stopped working, that might help.

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The block answering rule response (A) is "'Try typing 'TALK TO' me if you are stuck.'"

The block asking rule response (A) is "'Try typing 'TALK TO' me if you are stuck.'"

I was playing round with things like this…I think I added one that said something like ‘the block looking rule is’…I’ve taken it out and it’s too long ago to get back to but the descriptions are gone since doing that.


The room description generated when entering a room starts from the Report an actor going... rule, which begins:

Report an actor going (this is the describe room gone into rule):
	if the player is the actor:
		if the action is not silent:
			produce a room description with going spacing conventions;

Assuming you have no After going... rules terminating the action before it reaches Report stage, the above code will always run after a going action is carried out. It’s unlikely that you’ve made the going action silent, so this rule should produce a room description with going spacing conventions;

produce a room description with going spacing conventions; plunges straight into I6 code which, after a number of preliminaries, calls (via I6) the Check, Carry out, After and Report rules of the Looking action to produce the room description. (the Standard Rules are incorrect here in saying that a partial Looking action called by a Going action in this way is not subject to After stage rules, although Before and Instead stages are skipped)

Out of the box, the Check looking and After looking rulebooks are empty and Report looking rules only apply to actors who are not the player.

So, the room description is produced solely by a very complicated cascade of Carry out looking rules, but unless you code something complicated to make these behave differently after a going action rather than a ‘look’ command, what’s printed should be the same whether it’s automatically generated by going or in response to a ‘look’ command.

If you’re getting the name of the new location in bold after going, you know that you’ve at least reached the ‘Carry out looking’ stage of the process. If not, something has probably interrupted things way back in After or Report stages of Going action processing, perhaps by delisting or replacing the ‘describe room gone into rule’ or writing an action-terminating After going rule?

If you’re getting the name of the location in bold but nothing else at all, the most likely reason is that you’ve somehow set to abbreviated room descriptions…

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Ah ok…So from what you’re saying I think I broke it with:

After going somewhere:
	display the illustration of the location;

I have room images that I wanted to trigger as the player enters rather than having to look…do you know how I might do that without disturbing the descriptions?

Just re read your post and thought maybe that first bit of code would do it…

After going somewhere:
	display the illustration of the location;
	continue the action;

The continue the action tells Inform not to halt the action in success (as it does by default at the end of an After stage rule)

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This is what you would do if you only wanted to show an illustration immediately after going somewhere, but not when typing ‘look’ in a location.

That code is what already exists as the start of the Report going rule!

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So taking out my

After going somewhere:
	display the illustration of the location;

fixed the problem. I Tried leaving it there and adding your

After going somewhere:
	display the illustration of the location;
	continue the action;

but now I’m back to no description and just an image :upside_down_face:

OK, give me a moment to try to replicate what’s going on…

YES! This did actually fix it…thanks so much!!!

?? What was the problem
Did you have two After rules?

So I think you correctly identified my problem…my after rule was tripping it up.

Then when I putr your rule in I didn’t take mine out at first…obviously it just needed your complete code and not my flawed one as well :+1:

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