It's beginning to look a lot like Source Code Amnesty Day (April 1)

There aren’t really any rules, so if you think they’d be open to it please feel free - but of course the vibe is meant to be an invitation rather than peer pressure :slight_smile:


I’m planning to release some Inform code (the language I’ve been using for over a decade now) and some Ink code (the language I picked up less than a year ago) side-by-side so you can see how much I’ve been struggling with it! You’ll be able to see how horrifying my conventions for capitalization and naming have become, since I didn’t have any real plan for that going in…


It’s now SCAD (Source Code Amnesty Day) here in Australia.

Here’s the source for… Demon-Killer!


Demon-Killer was my first parser adventure game, written in BASIC on an Apple II+ somewhere in the age 9-12 vicinity (1984-1987). Looking at this is likely easier and more fun than playing the game, even for non-programmers. Programmers should not emulate Demon-Killer lest they reduce their skill levels.

I share it for entertainment purposes, and also as a demonstration for the younger folk of how you can keep working on a form of expression for approximately forty+ years.

The source lives on my Demon-Killer page on Wade-Memoir.



It’s certainly fun to read it! I love that. I guess I’ll have to wait until I have access to my latest source files though …


Congrats for being the first up to the plate this year! And wow, this reminds me of a bunch of little BASIC games I used to write in middle school - all thankfully lost, since this a model of good design and coding compared to those :slight_smile:


Ding ding ding! Here are three more entries for Source Code Amnesty Day!

Game System Competition
One King to Loot them All Inform7 IFComp 2023
Poetic Justice Dendry SeedComp 2024
One King to Loot them All Twine Spring Thing 2024 (back garden)

These links currently refer to my GitHub repositories, I will replace these with links to IFArchive once they have been uploaded.


@Lancelot See, I already learned some Inform from the One King source. I didn’t know you could erase all commands for an action by saying something like “Understand nothing as opening.” I’ve been going around finding all the verbs leading to the action I wanted to get rid of and blotting them out individually. Like a chump!



Here’s some ZIL code for a game I’m working on… This is just a little, tiny amount of the code, and I’m still working on it. The ocde I’m showing you is the REAL GAME, not any useless side parts. Much of the code inside the file is useless, since you certainly can’t compile it (which obeys the rules of the IFComp). I also deleted lots of the code in the file for this, because if you saw that code, it would ruin the game. Here’s the REAL GAME…

house.zil (19.1 KB)

It’s worth having a look at the REAL GAME, anyway…


ooooh yeaaahhh
Time to get listing:

Title Repo System Notes
(not so) strangers in the night Github Twine (Harlowe) For the ShuffleComp and SeedComp!
Also technically has been public since January
Not Another Sad Meal Githubl Adventuron For the Recipe Jam and SeedComp!
Also technically public since January
Teatime with a Vampire Github Twine (SugarCube) For the Smoochie Jam
FIA: The Vacuum Cleaner Github Adventuron For the Revival Jam
Les lettres du Docteur Jeangille Github Twine (SugarCube) For the Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone and the SpringThing
The French code is slightly different to the English code.
Le Jeu de la Dévotion -
Github Twine (SugarCube/Chapbook) For the Partim 500

And that’s not counting the other source code I released throughout the year last year (all on Github).

That’s probably a good amount for this year, no? :stuck_out_tongue:

I should start stepping out of my comfort zone and try other programs huh…


I just posted the full source to my IFComp 2022 entry, You May Not Escape! It’s wild to look back on it and see how different my approach was two years ago (and also how similar!).


I’m not sure if I did everything right, but this should be the source code for Dysfluent:

@Allx wrote most of the Javascript and helped me bend Harlowe to my will :blush: it was a great learning experience for the both of us.

I’m eager to share the Inform 7 code for my Spring Thing entry – it’s a total mess, and you can really tell that I was a complete beginner when I started writing it!
I’d like to give people a chance to play the game first, but consider this my pledge to include the source code in its postmortem.


Here’s the WIP code for my game engine.

There’s not as much here as I’d like, because I’m dealing with a lot of challenges in my personal life right now. However, it’s Source Code Amnesty Day, so here we are.


Thanks everyone for participating in this year’s event! I think last year we had a lot of Inform, so it’s cool to see a wide variety of systems this time out (though with that said, I actually felt like I might have missed some stuff when I played You May Not Escape so I’m excited to look through the code and see for sure!)

I know I didn’t have anything to bring to the table this year, but hopefully that will change when I see you all back here in 2025!


Last-minute entry: The Inform 7 source code for Beat Witch, which was in 2023 IFComp. It may be of particular interest to those who are curious about how I went about coding the music for traditional interpreters and browsers.

The music is also included. Enjoy!


Oh, and to those who didn’t notice in the Milliways Autopsy, here is the Milliways source code:


I was busy yesterday, but I’ve now uploaded the source code for my four most-recent games. In addition to the source code, you get the z3 and z5 files, coded hints (for the Dr Dooriddle games), map, Trizbort file for the map, and solution - all at no extra cost.

Links below are to the GitHub project page:

All are parser-based text adventures written in Inform 6 using the PunyInform library. This brings the total number of my GitHub repositories to 19 (one per game).

For a full list of all my games, see IFDB or my profile page. All games have full instructions and can be played online at the individual game pages at


Looking back at the code, one of the design decisions I’m no longer happy with is in fact how easy it is to miss major things! For such a small game (of all the games I’ve released, YMNE has by far the fewest lines of code—even with all the unnecessary extra line breaks & commented out blocks and rules), it tends to be quite stubborn about its secrets.


I missed the official day, but I’ll hopefully have my source up here later today!


Well, this is less than ideal. Does anyone know how to generate nice HTMLified source code with the current version of Inform? It insists on putting it all into a single page instead of breaking it up with my headings, which results in an unreadably long page.


I have a Python script for HTMLifying I7 source:

It’s based on the Pygments syntax colorer rather than Inform’s built-in one.

However, it doesn’t break up source by headings. It can add a table-of-contents list of headings at the beginning, with section links, so navigation is reasonably tractable.