Issues Converting Project to Twee/Tweego

It’s probably a bit overdue but I’m finally switching over to using Twee and the Tweego compiler for my current Twine project. My project was already divided up into a bunch of text files which I would copy/paste into the Twine 2 editor, so most of what I did was use the Twee notation to give them the passages titles and tags.

Unfortunately, when I run my compiled project, it simply sits on the loading screen and does nothing. I don’t even know where to begin looking for the issue here, so is there anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? Searching for issues involving twee and tweego compiling is turning up basically nothing.

At a guess, you probably have line breaks between the Twee passage header for your StoryTitle special passage and the actual title. Remove them and it should work.

For example,


:: StoryTitle

Muh Game


:: StoryTitle
Muh Game
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Wow. Yep, you called it. That fixed the issue. Thanks!