Isekai final alpha (0.33): call for ßtesters and proofreaders

at exactly the planned day (december 16, 2024, that is, my birthday) the final alpha of Isekai is ready for closed beta :slight_smile: I think is a very nice birthday cake, isn’t ? :wink:

NEEDED: corageous and valiant adventurers with open mind, low cunning (albeit there’s not much on puzzle front) and inquisitive mindset capable of look in every nook and cranny of the map and objects, and a good knowledge of english, and a patience in weeding out all bad english (Italians and romance language speakers also welcome, because knowing the original language can help in sorting out what the author means)

Hope that IF community fellows will join around this unusual birthday cake :wink:

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


Happy birthday by the way.

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Having got exactly ONE ßtester, who has done a good work but can’t proofread for obvious reasons, let’s retry the call:

someone want to ßtest Isekai final alpha ?

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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You cant count on me next week.
I have been ill, feverish in bed for 2 weeks.

Hello, I have never Beta tested before, but I can help you if you are still looking for people.

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Of course I’m still looking for people ! I have already written to you in PM :wink:

Thanks and

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

I’m willing to beta test if you’re looking. My region is due to be hit by the polar surge, or whatever they’re called it, and temperatures are projected to get down to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, so I won’t be getting out much for the next week.

If you could send a relevant file, or link to a download site, to, I’d be most appreciative.


Thanks ! I’ll send you the “relevant file” in PM.

Hope that this will warm your next days :slight_smile:

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.