Is there any Inform 7 interpreter for Godot game engine?

I want to make a simple text adventure game as an easter egg in my larger game and Inform 7 seems to be the best choice to actually make one. Had someone made an interpreter for Godot 4.x or better?

There was a bit of discussion last week in this thread: How to embed Inform into other game?

Doesn’t look all that relevant to me. The guy seems to want a deeper integration with his game, whereas what I’m looking for is basically something like Zork in COD: Black Ops - game being there and being playable, but not really interacting with any of the game’s systems.

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If you export Godot to web you can incorporate any JavaScript you want, including web based interpreters like Quixe or Parchment.

Once that’s done you can release for web or convert the resulting web page back to an exe. It’s messy but might work.

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No, I want to use inform 7 in regular, desktop game.