(Parchment displays a “your screen is too narrow” warning, which is obviously wrong, but it’s better than trying to explain to visitors how to download an interpreter.)
Rebuilding the hint files in HTML/Javascript would be nice too, of course. But adding playable links is easy.
I agree that creating these Parchment links sounds like a medium amount of straightforward work. I think the natural thing to do would be for the volunteer to create a bunch of https://iplayif.com/?story=https%3A%2F%2Finfodoc.plover.net%2Fhints%2Fzork1.z5 links and add each one to its corresponding Infocom game’s page on IFDB.
(I’m probably not gonna do it, but it’d be great if someone did.)
Yeah, the files is pretty easy to scrape. The object Tree is the menu structure and the clues are on one of the properties on the leaves. I added a scraping to unz and here are a few examples.
I saw some bugs in the conversion {-} = fixed font, {+} = normal font and multiline hints don’t show (they just show first line which usually is empty). All are from Zork 2.
Do you want issues reported on the GitHub project page?