In a recent thread, several people said they would be interested in Invisiclues for Finding Martin, so here goes!
To avoid giving away all of bizarre directions this game branches out in, I’ll divide the hints into sections, and include instructions on when to read each section, so that you can avoid opening the later ones and seeing the questions until you’re at least somewhat closer to that part of the game. Section 1 of the hints covers everything up until you find a way to leave the immediate environs of Martin’s house for the first time.
This is a large and complicated game, so please do let me know how you get on, particularly if you run into any areas where the hints aren’t good enough (or, conversely, give away too much at once).
Section 1
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This is the only section you need to read until you’ve found a way to leave the immediate environs of Martin’s house. Then see Section 2 for further hints.
Initial exploration of Martin’s house
What is my objective in this game?
Did you read all the introductory text?
Did you read the title of the game?
Your objective in this game is to find Martin.
Martin isn’t easy to find, though.
Explore everything that you can and eventually you will be able to start piecing together why Martin is missing.
Can I make the game unwinnable in this section?
Yes, but it should be obvious if you do.
If you break something, or you lose an item and it’s not immediately obvious that you’ll be able to get it back, UNDO. Otherwise, you should be okay.
How do I get into the house?
People sometimes leave keys for their house hidden outside in case someone needs to get in.
Those ornamental penguins look pretty suspicious, don’t they?
Have you looked underneath them?
You might have noticed something moving while you were looking under one of the penguins. Look around carefully.
The penguins are switching places while you’re busy looking for the key.
After the penguins switch places, LOOK and check which penguin is last in the line. Then LOOK UNDER that one.
What should I focus on doing once I’m inside the house?
Not everything you find inside the house is going to be useful to you yet. Initially, you should focus on gaining access to as much of the house as possible.
You can also figure out how some of the weird gadgets in Martin’s house work.
The next clue tells you explicitly some of the things you can and can’t do when you first enter the house.
You can figure out how the watch, video screens, train and food delivery service work. You can’t get into the closet in the master bedroom or do anything interesting in the bathroom, dance studio or courtyard yet. You’ll also have to wait to do anything with the oriental rug or Slinky the ferret.
If you’re very dedicated, you might figure out how to open the stone door in the kitchen, but you will get a much more overt clue about how to open it later on, so you don’t need to worry about it right now.
What’s the deal with this big video screen in the living room?
Maybe you should sit on the sofa and take it in.
Have you searched the sofa?
See the section on the pocket watch.
Can I play the piano?
If you have some sheet music.
If you look at the books on the bookshelves, you’ll discover that one of them has sheet music tucked inside.
What can I do with the bust of Beethoven?
Presumably you’ve examined it?
The description calls specific attention to four of Beethoven’s features.
Have you tried interacting with those?
Pushing the features of the bust produces silly noises, and depending on the position of the bust, may cause it to rotate.
Can you get it to rotate all the way around?
With the bust facing you (its initial position), PUSH NOSE then PUSH EAR then PUSH FOREHEAD then PUSH CHIN.
Why do I keep receiving packages?
Have you opened the packages?
They’re just spam.
What can I do with the computer?
If you turn on the spam filter, those packages will stop arriving.
There’s an email you can read, but the attachment is encrypted.
Don’t worry about the attachment yet.
You’ll probably need Phouthavong Bochandilay to give you a further hint before you can work out what the password is. Fortunately, you’ll meet him later in the game.
How do I turn the heating up?
Have you examined the panel in the airing cupboard?
Did you notice the inscription on the base of the boiler?
Did you start reading this question just because you were out of other ideas?
There’s no way and no need to turn up the heating in Martin’s house.
Should I be worried that the dog doesn’t like me?
Have you looked at the photos in the bedroom?
There’s a photo of the dog playing with a red rubber ball.
Have you found the ball?
It’s in the grass on the front lawn.
Throw it for the dog and he’ll stop being suspicious of you.
What can I do with the pocket watch?
You can’t ruin anything by messing with the pocket watch, so feel free to play around with it to see what you can figure out.
There are four ways you can interact with the pocket watch.
Pushing the stem, pulling the stem, turning the stem and placing the watch into your pocket all have various effects.
You’ll want to experiment with the watch in a location with a video screen in order to be able to see what it does.
Pushing and pulling the stem changes the person displayed on the watch.
Have you noticed Benjamin Franklin’s glowing bifocals?
If you turn the stem while Franklin is showing on the watch, you can raise and lower the video screen.
Raising the video screen in the living room reveals the passageway to the dining room.
What else can I do with the pocket watch?
Did you try putting the watch in your pocket?
Putting the watch in your pocket while in a location with a video screen (usually) causes something to play on the screen. What plays depends on the time shown on the watch.
Many of the functions of the watch are related to changing the time.
As you progress through the game, you will discover various clues hinting that you should try setting the watch to various times. This will enable you to discover some functions of the watch. Other functions must (as far as I know) be discovered through experimentation.
If you want a complete, spoiler-heavy description of everything the watch does and all of the information you can glean from it, see Section 1a.
Why can’t I get into the dining room?
The fish want you to do something for them first.
Have you read any books in the living room since raising the screen?
The fish are waiting for you to read them their favourite story.
Read them The Boy Who Had No Words and they’ll let you through the bead curtain.
What can I do in the dining room?
Have you looked in the sideboard and the china cabinet?
Have you tried putting the plates, glasses or cutlery on the table?
What’s the obvious thing to do when you have a dining table along with four sets of cutlery and crockery?
You need to set each of the four place settings at the table in the proper arrangement.
Go to each side of the table, place a plate on the table, a fork to the left of the plate, a knife to the right of the plate, a spoon to the right of the knife and a glass above and to the right of the plate (you can also describe this as above the knife).
The bulbs on the chandelier light up to tell you how close you are to laying the table correctly.
What is inside the black box in the kitchen?
Everything but the kitchen sink.
Depending on how much you have figured out about how to use the watch, the purpose of the black box may or may not be obvious.
The black box is a food preparation device.
See the section on the watch.
What can I do with the train?
You can’t interact with the train directly in any useful way.
See the section on the watch.
How do I open the doors in the kitchen?
There’s a mechanism in the kitchen to open the doors, but like many of the gadgets in Martin’s house, it’s what we might term “eccentric”.
Have you examined the sink?
You can push the faucet left or right and turn it on in order to pour water into the left or right basin. If you put the stopper in the basin as well, it will fill up.
If you (fully or partially) fill the left basin with water and then drain it out again, the door to the pantry will open. If you do the same with the right basin, the door to the laundry room will open.
What should I do in the pantry?
You’re in a phone booth. Have you come across any numbers you could call?
Have you read the small phone book from the bedroom?
You need a five-digit access code.
Each of the phrases on the first page is a clue to a digit.
You might need to bear in mind that Finding Martin was released in 2005, before the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet.
LIFT RECEIVER then DIAL “*27398”.
What should I do after using the access code?
Try out the different options on the phone menu.
Many of them have obvious effects, like producing messages or giving you items.
But choosing option 7 asks you to choose from a range of destinations.
This is the point where you gain the ability to travel beyond the environs of Martin’s house. You can now look at section 2 of the hints.