Introducing Ourselves

That’s how I showed up here, too, and with a lot of support I’ve managed to write several games-- you’ll find everyone is very helpful here. I wish I’d done it at your age instead of assuming I wasn’t capable of coding for so many years. Welcome!


Hello everyone

Glad to be here. I’m Ihsan, from Indonesia.

I’ve been in contact with IF since 2010, on and off, but honestly I never finish any single game at all. I’m not really a game person, I just like reading and making stories. Also, the simplicity of text based games really amazed me.

Currently, I’m playing hhgttg (again). I’ve been playing this game for many times but never pass the bulldozer :face_with_peeking_eye:


Hi Ihsan!

Welcome to the forum.

About H²G², have you read the book? The trick to get past the bulldozer is something not many adventure heroes would think of. Perhaps it’s better to view the situation from the standpoint of a protester or an activist.



Thanks, Rovarsson

Yes, I have read the book years ago but can’t remember the details.

I’ll play the game again this weekend, and I think I will use some walkthrough.



I understand that you’ve erased your introduction post, but I hope you come back soon! This community is quite friendly and easy-going!

Wishing you success in anything you’re setting your mind to!


Hi! You caught me!

I meant to start writing the introduction, but then accidentally sent it too early and decided to just delete and re-write later, thanks for the welcome!

I’m workingsea, interactive fiction is something I’ve always been drawn towards, the kind of exploration and immersion we get in it is something I really like. Like a friend said, the best GPU is your brain, and the graphics you can get with it are equal to none, so these text-based games have been a huge source of joy in my life.

I discovered the forum 3 days ago, I want to start making a game with Twine (Sugarcube) and found out this forum is a recommended place to ask questions about it. It turns out this forum is part of a wider community (that I didn’t even know existed) with so much more about a genre I’m deeply in love with, so I’m really glad to have found it.

As for other interests, I have some programming knowledge (Python and Scheme), enjoy playing Chess, playing and narrating TRPGs and have a guitar which I play from time to time.


You have no idea. Every time I think I’ve found the extent of the IF community, I discover some whole new lore dump, like finding lost tribes or somesuch thing. Anyway, welcome to the forum! Definitely agree about the wonder of exploration!


This is well-put and totally true. This is exactly what I love about IF-- no graphic can compare to what my mind shows me when an author describes it well.



Beware the IF-rabbithole. It runs unfathomably deep.


The directions in the rabbit hole include: up, down, n, s, e, w, …


>OUT has been disabled though…


Hi everybody,

I’m a solo gamedev focused on interactive fiction. My name is Alec, but people online tend to call me “Gray” from the username, so whatever works. I started out with a totally non-technical writing background, then got into programming for job purposes, so along with a lifelong love of games, this genre was a pretty inevitable destination for me.

I just released my first full-length IF project last week (it’s called The Salt Keep) and intend to do more in the same setting, assuming people are interested. It’s firmly in the fantasy genre with some horror flavor and political undertones, all in a format reminiscent of classic gamebooks with RPG mechanics. The reception has been better than I expected so far, but I’d love to find more people who are immersed in the genre and seek it out specifically.

I’ve dabbled a bit in the IF community on a few other sites, but somehow never ended up here, which I probably should have a long time ago!


Welcome Gray!

The Salt Keep looks interesting. I’ve bookmarked it for a more focused playthrough later.


Hi, Alec! I’ve seen your Tumblr, and it’s always nice to see some cross pollination between the IF communities. Welcome on board- I hope that you find your stay to be a pleasant one. Really love the blues and composition of your cover art for the game! The emptiness of the light behind the building helps keep it from feeling too ‘heavy,’ I think.


Hello! I’m Daniel. I’ve been lurking for almost a year now (aside from a few scattered replies in a couple of threads), so I thought perhaps it was about time I posted here.

I’m a software developer by profession (mostly C#). I enjoy reading, playing chess (moderately good) and go (total newb), and watching sci fi tv shows.

I first encountered IF via Zork in perhaps 2010, which was late high school for me. I made a handful of short-lived attempts to implement a Zork-like game with general-purpose languages, but lacked both the skill and the determination to see it through. I found out about Inform and the modern IF scene years later, maybe 2016, and then after a brief fixation kinda stopped thinking about it until last year when I re-discovered Inform and read through the manual.

I’ve only played a handful of games, and I have yet to write any. I’m starting to feel ready to give it a go, but I’m also a massive procrastinator, so it will likely be a while yet before I have anything much to share. In the meantime, I’m hoping I can push myself to participate a little more actively on the forum :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s so lovely that this is still a game that pulls people in. I encountered Zork in 1980 and that’s when I got the IF bug, and it just tickles me that Zork keeps doing its thing.


Hello! I’m Jinx, long-time lurker and first-time caller (thanks @manonamora @anon66621404 @cchennnn for the peer pressure invitations :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). I’ve visited the forums a few times to check out comp threads, but never made the plunge — until now!

My first brush with IF was sometime in early 2020, when the world was contending with a faceless kind of fear that left us all with a lot of spare time and too much dread to fill it. I have fond memories of parsers from childhood (anyone else play the one Christopher Paolini had up on the Eragon website for a while?) but choice-based IF really bit me and wouldn’t let go.

Something about stumbling from doomscrolling onto the “interactive fiction” tag created a perfect storm; I fell head over heels for the medium, tried my hand at it, and here we are. :smile: I’m really in love with how many different flavours IF comes in and how it seems to be constantly branching off itself into all kinds of ways.



The Goncharov Girlies ensign has been thrown up, hahaahaha. Just you wait until we wrangle you into the regulars lounge and then the Gonch Girlies can hold two disparate conversations simultaneously in wild confusion on here and on Discord.


YAY Hi Jinx :green_heart:
The Gonch Girls are complete !


Welcome Jinx!


“Sure,” the nice shopkeeper lady says. “What flavour would you like, sweetie?”
d)Ground-up fizzed kittens?


“Here you go,love!” She hands you a big scoop of IF cream in a crispy cone.

