Introducing Ourselves

Welcome! This is a good time to hop on, there are a lot of cool competitions with games coming out soon.

Spring Thing is starting up April 2nd, and it’s the 2nd-biggest competition of the year, should have some great games if it’s anything like other years.

Around the same time is the Text Adventure Literacy Jam, an itch jam focused on kid-friendly, 2-word, retro parser games. So far it looks like 47 people have signed up!

Later in the summer is Parsercomp, showcasing parser games, and Introcomp, which only accepts incomplete games and encourages people to finish them by giving cash prizes.

Finally, in the fall, there’s IFComp, the biggest competition of the year, and Ectocomp, which is for horror/spooky games and has a division for games made in 4 hours or less.

Besides playing, these could be fun to enter, too. If you’re trying to get a game finished, Introcomp and Ectocomp are great ways to get feedback on unfinished or small games. Or if you make something great and want to share it, you could put it in one of the later competitions.

Anyway, welcome again!