IntroComp 2024: when?

because the IFComp is anticipated one month, but the Spring one is NOT anticipated, I wonder if the IntroComp will be this year; I noticed that can be pulled one month each, nearly-niftly filling the vacuum between spring and IF competition, but a bit of clarity about the competition calendar '24 will be welcome, and I feel, not only by me…

If there’s actually an introComp '24, one can partecipate waiving in advance the prize ? (not only because I hate the idea of monetary prizes, but mainly because the planned release date of the WIP demoed is set in 2026, well above the limits of Introcomp)

This should allow me to decide if I should enter said demo in the Spring Thing backgarden or the IntroComp…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


IntroComp is on for this year. I’ll be in the summer, as in years past.


Thanks. so, I’ll settle for the Spring thing…