Heya, folks!
I’m Xalavier Nelson Jr. - now the three-time head of IntroComp, and this year’s Narrascope keynote speaker. Thanks to some fast, extremely complicated support from our fellow organizers, the IntroComp website has gone from deeply broken to up and running!
You can submit your intent to enter starting today, June 7th, on the traditional site right here: http://introcomp.org
For those unfamiliar with what IntroComp is: IntroComp is an annual competition where authors can submit portions of their in-development interactive fiction for feedback and profit. I’ve explicitly opened the door for visual novels to enter the field this year, as it’s one of the most popular, accessible IF formats around.
I mean gosh - last year we basically had an alternate-universe version of Wikipedia enter the competition! The genre definitions that interactive fiction can encompass are constantly expanding, and I’m incredibly excited to see IntroComp become a home for that exploration.
There are still cash prizes, and the updated rules can be found on the website above. Take a look now in preparation for July 1st (when you can start submitting your entries), or get ready to play the games and vote this August.
Happy IntroComping!