Interesting uses of colour in TADS

What are some interesting uses of colour in TADS games? Foreground, background text colours, or windows with different colours?

I also made an IFDB poll, if anyone would prefer to answer that way: Interesting uses of colour in TADS - an IFDB Poll

Knowing what people are doing with colour in TADS will be useful as we try to get colour working in GlkTADS.


Will respond in an hour or two…

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This is great to hear! Thank you for working on this.

If I knew there was more widespread support for color in TADS interpreters, I would be tempted to take advantage of it in future work.


Generally, I avoid use of colours in my storyfiles, I follow the ancient wisdom, “de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est”, and I consider that the right of fine-tune the 'terp to their color taste should be added to the player’s bill of rights.
(For the record, sometime ago I have posted a screenshot of my QTads color scheme in another debate…)

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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I have the header and a map window with a different default background color so they stand out. As for text, the only time I change color is for the in-game help system. I want that to stand apart from the regular game text. And any hyperlinks that appear in the game text are also the color of default hyperlinks from the terp.

My biggest issue is that none of the online interpreters support graphical banner windows with TADS non-web gui, so QTADS is the only real multiplatform solution. It’s a frustrating limitation for anyone attempting to do a bit more for the player experience.


I wanted to use colour to really differentiate text on a computer screen in-game. Having it in its own box with different background and foreground colours can really help sell the difference. And then the interface itself can have bright colours to help draw players towards typing the right things.

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