inkJam 2023 - Results are out!

I know many of us are either working on our EctoComp/Bare-Bones entries or voting for IFComp games, but the voting for this year’s edition of the inkJam started almost 2h ago.

Submissions were accepted during a 3-day span, and the theme was:

In the Blink of an Eye

You can vote until Saturday Nov, 4th :slight_smile:


There are a bit less than 3 days to vote for the inkJam.
There are 29 small entries (most between 15 to 30min of play), and loads of fun interpretation of the theme.

Note: you have a queue of 3 games to vote (from a list of 5, which you can shuffle once), before the voting is open to all entries.


The results are out!

At the top, overall:

  1. Lid Astray by Avery Hiebert, Ryan Samman
  2. Confectioner’s Atelier by Grim Baccaris
  3. Impact by reidgillis