Inform seven pointer [EXITS command]

I have a quick question about inform7. I just started making a game using inform seven the one thing that I’m facing is whenever I type exits it will not tell me in which directions our exits. I have played some games that show you the exits when you type it. Is there any possible way I could get pointers on how to resolve this? if I’m putting this in the wrong place, could someone let me know?

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You would need to create a command that would list exits when you type “exits.”

If you search for the example “Bumping into walls” in the documentation, there’s some code there that you could use to automatically list exits. Or you could create a custom response for each room, if you wanted and if it’s not too complicated.

Listing exits is an action out of world applying to nothing.

Understand "exits" as listing exits.

Definition: a direction (called thataway) is viable if the room thataway from the location is a room. 

Report listing exits:
	let count of exits be the number of viable directions; 
	if the count of exits is 0, say "You appear to be trapped in here." instead; 
	if the count of exits is 1, say "From here, the only way out is [list of viable directions]."; 
	otherwise say "From here, the viable exits are [list of viable directions]." 

Inform doesn’t do that out of the box, but it’s pretty easy to implement an EXITS command. Here’s an extension that does that, and the Bumping Into Walls example shows how to do it yourself.

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You can create your own EXITS command or use an extension, like this one.

EDIT: basically repeating what others have said.

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I appreciate all the help that I have received. I will try all the suggestions.

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Here’s another one: On my end, I use the built-in extension Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short to customize the status bar, and then the techniques used in the examples Ways Out and Guided Tour from the manual to dynamically display the available exits. By working a bit with these two elements, it’s also possible to adjust the behavior so that nothing is displayed in the dark, for instance. This technique is fully compatible with some of the suggestions already expressed in this thread.