Inform can't compare truth states valued table column and a truth state

I have a table with a column of truth states, and an After rule that changes the truth state when a topic has been asked about, but Inform says that I can’t mix a truth state and a truth states valued table column. I’m a newbie to Inform and I’m making this for HW due really soon, so please help!
Here’s the after rule I wrote:

After asking the average man about a topic listed in the Table of Average Man Topics:
	now occurrence is true;

Thanks! - Rachell


I think you want to replace “now occurrence is true” with “choose row with topic of the topic understood in table of average man topics; now occurrence entry is true.” I can’t check because I’m away from my computer, but I’m responding fast with an unverified answer because it’s urgent!


Thank you very much for replying! I figured out an alternate way to achieve the same results without altering the table though, so it’s fine. Thanks again though! It’s my first post in the forum and I’m pleasantly surprised at how fast a reply came.


What was the alternative way you used?

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So, I was trying to have a true/false column in order to have a character (the average man) say + do something after being asked about a topic.

I used an Instead rule:

Instead of asking the average man about "Utilitarianism":
	say "blah blah blah Do you want to do this?'";
	if player consents:
		say "'okay blah blah.'";
		now Jeremy Bentham is in The Meh Place;
		now Henry Sidgwick is in The Meh Place;
		say "'fine blah blah'";
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I think you need to say “now the occurrence entry is true”—that is, the value of the “occurrence” column in the current row, not the “occurrence” column as a whole.

You’ll also want to “continue the action” so that your After rule doesn’t shut down the Report rules.


Thank you so so much, this works! Even though I found an alternative, later on I realized I still needed to figure this out for another part of the game, so thanks again (you’ve probably saved my hw)!

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