Someone else reported trouble on 10.6.8:
It is not clear what the problem is.
Has anybody successfully run the new version on MacOS 10.6.8?
Someone else reported trouble on 10.6.8:
It is not clear what the problem is.
Has anybody successfully run the new version on MacOS 10.6.8?
I don’t see tinman’s misplaced-panel bug on my MacOS 10.11 desktop machine, but I do see it on my 10.7 laptop. In case anybody wonders.
Right, that’s exactly the same kind of error I was getting.
Hanon, what OS are you using? I’ve encountered this once or twice in 10.7.5, and as far as I can tell it’s some Gatekeeper BS. You may be able to get around this by temporarily disabling Gatekeeper. Here’s something about how to do it from StackExchange, here’s I think the same thing from Mac Kung Fu. As i understand it you don’t have to permanently disable Gatekeeper, just long enough to open Inform the first time.
This might be worth reporting as a bug in case there is some Inform-side error with the way they’ve done the new download. (I also wonder if, given what some people on those threads say about how deleting and reinstalling an app can lead to this glitch, changing the name of the file might help–I just realized that I rename every new download before I open it. Or not. I don’t know anything about the internals. Also IIRC when I had to deal with this with Vertical Drop Heroes I just waited a few days for the Humble Bundle people to get their act together.)
I leave Gatekeeper turned on (at the “allow apps from App Store and identified developers” level) and have seen no problems. So it’s not just that the app signature is wrong.
As far as I know, HanonO is the only person who has seen a previously-working version of Inform actually break. However, it’s a perfectly sensible idea to keep your old version of Inform around – rename it to “” or whatever before installing the new one. MacOS is good about defaulting to the most recently-launched version.
(I have eight or ten versions of the app in my Inform folder. Never know when I’ll want to recompile Hadean Lands or test some obscure bug/compiler combination.)
I did get rolled back with help from Emily Short - I had no idea that there was a gatekeeper app since it had never caused an issue before. I will cautiously experiment with the upgrade to see if I can reproduce errors.
The link to the change log is dead and I can’t find it in Writing with Inform. Where is a change log for the new release?
The ePub’s up and running. I appreciate this may not be much help…
BTW, bumping to announce that the Windows version seems to be here. Hurray.!
(not a typo. I didn’t like “Hurray!”, and I liked “Hurray.” even worse)
Ah, thanks for the heads up Peter!
The installer does not run for me in Win7 64-bit. The arrow-with-an-hourglass cursor appears, but nothing else. In the Task Manager Processes pane, after double-clicking on the installer a few times, I find that I have instances of “I7_6M62_Windows.exe *32” running. They are using 00 CPU but 108K of memory each – and they cannot be dismissed by clicking the End Process button.
My guess is that this installer thinks my OS is 32-bit rather than 64-bit. Are others able to install successfully on this OS?
Hmm, I’m able to install it, and I’m using Windows 7 64-bit too.
I’ve had problems in the past with an over-zealous antivirus…
I take it you’ve tried running the .exe as Admin? That solves more things than it should, really…
EDIT - BTW, though this shouldn’t be necessary, you can open the file in an extraction manager like 7zip. Possibly you can extract the files themselves to where you need them to be. But obviously, if a user has to do this it is Not A Good Thing.
Installed fine, but finds so many new compiler errors. Slowly hacking through. I’ll fix this!
Here’s hoping you can add all of your content back, nuku_v. Being forced to cut stuff out must have been frustrating.
Mind, they do say that forced constraints like this help one to streamline, focus and overall make it a better work. How’d that work for you?
I’m ready to scream, but most of it is mostly sensible?
Nope. Run as Administrator doesn’t change what’s happening (i.e., nothing is happening). I use Avast Anti-Virus (the free version). If it detects a problem, it should alert me. It isn’t popping up anything…
Edit/addendum: In trying to run the installer from the desktop, not only does it fail to run, but it also locks up the desktop. That is, my apps still run if I start them from the taskbar or the Start menu, but I can’t start anything by double-clicking on a shortcut on the desktop display itself, because the desktop is “busy” trying to do something that it can’t do.
I worked out all the errors and…
The application ran your source text through the Inform 7 compiler, as usual, but the compiler unexpectedly failed. This should not happen even if your source text is gibberish, so you may have uncovered a bug in the program.
When a program like the I7 compiler fails, it typically returns an error number: this time, the number was 2, so I7 probably stopped because of a fatal file-system error.
It is very unlikely that your computer is at fault. More likely causes are:
•disc space running out on the volume holding the project;
•trying to run a project from a read-only volume, such as a burned CD or DVD;
•trying to run a project which belongs to another user, whose files you have no permission to alter.
However, if you think it more likely that the Inform 7 compiler is at fault, please check that you have the currently distributed build of the system: if you have, please consider taking the time to fill out a bug report at the Inform bug tracker (
Run out of memory: malloc failed
Compiler finished with code 2
More addends, found the memory used is 1.9 Gigs of ram. I have plenty more, but it crashes right there. 1973.3 MB
I had success earlier today on Windows 7 x64, so it works at least in theory.
Well, there’s clearly some kind of problem. I’m happy to try to troubleshoot it if someone will suggest something I can try. I can extract the contents of the .exe using 7zip, but at that point trying to launch Inform7.exe puts me back in the same dead zone as before.