Inform 7 Newbie question

I’m trying to apply the TADS 3 Heidi tutorial to Inform 7 just so that I can learn how to create stuff in Inform.
(I’m not well versed in TADS 3 either by the way).
And I’ve gotten stuck in the following area:
I just can’t seem to get the chair as a supporter for the player to enable him/her to reach the bough.

The plainChair is a enterable portable supporter in the insideCottage. The printed name of the plainChair is “chair”. “A plain looking chair stands in one corner”. The description is “A plain wooden chair.”.
Understand “chair”, “plain chair” as the plainChair.

Instead of going up from the Clearing:
if the player is not on the plainChair, say “The bough is just out of reach”.
Instead of going up from the Clearing:
if the player is on the plainChair, say “You stand on the chair and are thus able to reach the bough and pull yourself up.”;
now the player is in topOfTree.

Probably (most likely) I’m a bit daft but could someone please help me with understanding this?


The problem is that unlike most rules, instead rules will not “fall through”, i.e. only one instead rule will run, even if it doesn’t actually do anything. So you’ll have to make sure they run only when the condition holds:

[code]Instead of going up from the Clearing when the player is not on the plainChair:
say “The bough is just out of reach.”

Instead of going up from the Clearing when the player is on the plainChair:
say “You stand on the chair and are thus able to reach the bough and pull yourself up.”;
now the player is in topOfTree.[/code]

Thank you so very much, now it works! :smiley: