Inform 7/10 collaboration wanted

Hey there!

I’m an amateur when it comes to making games (meaning that I only do this as a hobby and for the love of the craft, rather than for financial gain or professional reasons).

And I’m also interested in maybe starting a collab with someone using VS Code (Visual Studio Code) or any other collaboration tool to create my game. I prefer working with someone rather than alone, so help is very much appreciated!

Note that this is a very personal project, however, if you want to work with me casually that would be good too. I’m working with inform 10 so if that sounds like something you want to do, hit me up!

This is something I might be interested in. Like going to the gym, I think that collaborating on a project could provide the necessary encouragement to keep working on it.

What exactly is it you are working on, and what is it that you are looking for in a collaborator? I’m a good writer, a moderately good Inform 10 programmer, and terrible at actually finishing projects.

Feel free to DM if you’d prefer.

Hello again, I DM’d you. If you feel unsure on the religious aspects for the game, please let me know and we can work on my other game :slight_smile:
