So I’m getting this error message in Inform for Windows 10.1.2:
Problem. An internal error has occurred: indirect function call with too many arguments. The current sentence is ‘if the player’s command includes “lie”’ [
](source:C:\Users\mikep\OneDrive\Documents\Inform\Internal\Extensions\Graham Nelson\Standard Rules.i7x#line2010); the error was detected at line 388 of “inter/building-module/Chapter 1/Inter Primitives.w”. This should never happen, and I am now halting in abject failure.
On investigating, it highlights the offending lines of code in the Standard Rules :
(whether that’s the case or not!!)
Here’s the minimal code-fragment that I can reproduce the error with :
"Oh no!" by Ade.
Garden is a room.
Table of SummaryOutput
s-index t-value
1 7
2 9
To say FooBar:
now the t-value corresponding to a s-index of 2 in the Table of SummaryOutput is 15.
has the now the…corresponding to… construct been deprecated?
Doing it this way :
To say BooFar:
choose row with a s-index of 2 in the Table of SummaryOutput;
now t-value entry is 15.
works fine.
this feels like a fairly fundamental thing in a commonly used construct. Worth reporting? Apologies if discussed already.