Incorporation grammar

So I’m getting hung up on the grammar for things that are parts of other things. For instance, say a door has a knob. I might want something like:

Carry out turning the knob: Try opening the door which the noun is part of.

Or, more generally, “let the current door be the door that the noun is part of.” Except that doesn’t work because that’s not the correct grammar. “The door that incorporates the noun” doesn’t work; “The door that the noun is incorporated by” doesn’t work…I’m out of ways to say this.

(“if the knob is part of something (called the current door)” works, but then I have an empty “if” statement.)

How exactly does the grammar for the incorporation verb work? And is there a place I can look up the grammar for relational verbs?

I’m not feeling all that good, but would not

Instead of trying turning the knob when the knob is part of a door (called current door), try opening the current door.


I think in general you can’t say “the X that has this relation to Y” and have it work, you have to say “a random X that has this relation to Y” (because Inform doesn’t recognize at compile time that there will always be only one such X). So, I haven’t tested this, but I would try “Try opening a random door that incorporates the noun.”