Image path from variable

Hi, using online version and harlove.

I dont now figure out, how i can use variables as image paths. I either get blank image or text of my path.

(set: $imgPath to "")
(set: $imgFile to "filename.png")

I have tried to (print:) this and so, but nothing seems to work. Maybe i need some js function to make this?

The following example shows how to use the (print:) macro to dynamically generated a HTML element (in this case an <img>) from a String value.

(set: $imgPath to "")
(set: $imgFile to "filename.png")

(print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + $imgFile + '">')

You will notice I used single quotes to delimit the two String literals, so I could use double quotes as the delimiters of the src attribute’s String value.

Thanks Greyelf, that solved this problem.