IFTF is now seeking candidates for the roles of Treasurer and Tech Officer. These are roles that I have filled since IFTF was founded, but it’s time for me to find successors and step back.
(“Successors” because we’re splitting my current “Treasurer” job into those two named offices. I’ve enjoyed doing this work but it’s really two people’s worth of job.)
Note that this is a semi-open call for now. I’m posting it here and on the Discord, but we’re not going to blast it on all social media channels. For obvious reasons we’re looking for candidates who are already familiar faces in the IF/IFTF community.
Someone asked about time commitments for these jobs. It’s a bit tricky to answer, because the amount of work varies a lot from month to month.
Best I can say:
Tech Officer is usually not much time – an hour a week – but sometimes it’s an emergency. Sometimes you have to go set up a server, which takes longer. And sometimes the Board hands you a project (“we need a password vault solution”) and you have to go out and research options and then either create a service account somewhere or spin up a server and install some software. That can take a while.
Treasurer is more regular work, because donations are always coming in and there’s monthly expenses. Every week you have to spend an hour or two adding lines to the Big Spreadsheet. And of course during a fundraiser (like IFComp or NarraScope) you get lots of donations in a few days; that it takes more time. Sending out money takes time too.
(Yesterday I spent a good two hours getting all the IFComp prizes sent out via paypal. And that’s just the first batch; Jacq is still collecting all the entrants’ paypal info.)