IFTF description on Wikipedia

Is this snippet from Wikipedia an accurate précis of IFTF?

The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation (IFTF ) is a nonprofit charitable organization founded in June 2016 working to maintain, improve, and preserve tools and services used in the creation and distribution of interactive fiction.

This prominent statement from the IFTF front page doesn’t mention the nonprofit charitable element:

The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation (IFTF) helps ensure the ongoing maintenance, improvement, and preservation of the tools and services crucial to the creation and distribution of interactive fiction, as well as the development of new projects to foster the continued growth of this art form.

Just checking because I’m planning on adding something about archiving to the ParserComp website and want to be sure that I’m correct in saying the organisation is nonprofit (which may be important to people considering granting the organisation distribution rights to their work).


Yes, IFTF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We mention this here: https://iftechfoundation.org/give/

(I guess I need to update the “President” line there…)