IFDB has a new star rating control

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IFDB has a new star rating control, designed for accessibility.

  • The new star controls are designed to be bigger, easier to tap on on touchscreens.

  • They’re also designed to be keyboard accessible. You can use tab to focus on the star control, and then use arrow keys to select a rating. (When you do this, you have to tab over to the new “Submit Rating” button to submit your selection.)

  • Under the hood, they’re secretly radio buttons, so users of screen readers will interact with them like radio buttons.

  • We’ve replaced the little star icons with new SVG icons. I think they’re nicer to look at, especially on high-resolution screens (like phones).

We’re curious to hear feedback on this, especially if you normally use IFDB with keyboard controls or a screen reader.

Questions we had:

  1. The new star control appears to screen readers as a bunch of radio buttons. On iOS VoiceOver, there’s no quick way to announce which radio button is selected. You just have to read each button, until it says, e.g. “Four stars. Radio button. Checked. Four of five.” Is that how you’d expect it to work? Should we have a separate label that declares the current star rating?
  2. If you’ve written a review with a rating, the “Remove Rating” button only removes the star rating, without deleting your written review. To remove the written review, you have to click the “Revise my review” link.
    • Should we warn you if you remove a rating from a written review? (Where would we show it? What would it say? Would the warning be annoying?)
    • The old star control simply wouldn’t show the “Remove Rating” button if you have a written review. To remove your rating, you had to click “Revise review.” Should we do that again? (Would it be confusing if the “Remove Rating” button was simply missing?)
  3. The “Submit Rating” button only appears when you use your keyboard to select a rating. When you use your mouse or touchscreen screen reader, selecting a rating automatically submits the rating. Does that feel right?
  4. Is the “Remove Rating” button too big? We considered replacing it with an “X” or something.
  5. EDIT: When you use arrow keys to select a rating, pressing the Enter key does nothing. (You have to tab over to a button and then press Enter to push the “button.”) Is that good?

I’d remove the thin black line around the colored stars. My ancient pet peeve.

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The little ones, the big ones, or both?

I kinda like having a border. (The old IFDB stars were yellow in the middle with a thick red-orange border.)


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I’d like the border to stay, at least on the light coloured stars; they can be harder to make out against a grey background otherwise, more so if you are visually impaired. Darker stars (e.g. red) are all right without border, but it might be easier to keep it in all cases.

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The keyword is “thin” tbh, more than “border”. A thicker one would do.
But I guess it’s extremely subjective. No big deal anyway.


Looks great.

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The border looks a bit weird on dark mode; I think it is the thinness like Marco said. Not a big deal, but just fyi!



If the score isn’t being edited (just shown), is there any reason to show all the stars? Like (in Tabitha’s screenshot), why not just show 4 stars and not even render the last star? Would it be too weird to see a half star rendered without the opposing silhouette?

Just a thought.

I think it’s useful to give context that the game has 3 stars out of five, and the empty stars convey that context nicely.