IFComp Review Threads By Game?

Oh, huh. I had to go back and look, because I thought the hidden second half did get talked about a fair bit, but it looks like people mostly only mentioned it obliquely.

David Welbourn’s walkthrough covers the whole thing AFAIK, so I assume most people who get stuck and check a walkthrough find out about it…

But… hmm. It does sometimes happen that people talk things through in public: I feel like 2019 was a good example of that, with threads for both Sugarlawn and Hard Puzzle 4. Both of those are highlights of my forum participation. But I guess those were both started by individuals making a strong push for a thread for that particular game: Dannii for the one and you for the other…

So maybe what we really need is more people to step up and start game discussions even if they have to talk to themselves about it for a while until other people jump in? :thinking: