IFComp 2023 Review Spreadsheet

2020 was the year with the most entries ever at the IFComp too :stuck_out_tongue:
So outlier on a lot of fronts.

Doesn’t seem to be more than 2-3 threads for the IntroComp, so it would be hard to compare, imo.


I think in most of those years, there were 70is games, except 2020 had 103 (and plus it was earlyish in COVID so folks might have had more time), so that’s the main reason it’s relatively higher.

My sense is also that we’re on track for a higher than usual number this year - lots of new folks writing lots of great reviews!


Review sheet is updated. I think we’re going to see a new median for the total review soon.


I guess theoretically someone could throw together a script that programmatically looks at timestamps, too? This would probably take a little work but not be too terrible.

Two major obstances:

  • Most of the reviews are here on the intfiction.org forums, and IIRC, the TOS here explicitly prohibit programmatic access by non-human agents; and
  • Each external blog host will need to be specially coded to scrape data from that particular website; I count at least three other hosts at a quick, non-comprehensive glance.

Might be worthwhile after the comp is over, though, if the moderators here are willing to grant permission for that particular usage. I’m curious to see what the data actually is.

Hmm, that’s interesting. Is a prediction thread going to happen this year?

Last year, @cchennnn posted hers around the end of the Voting period.


For what it’s worth, I see no issue with it. The content of the forum is also periodically uploaded to the Archive, which might be an easier format to scrape for previous years.


Another way to get at this data is to look at the version history of the spreadsheet, which can give you a rough idea of when the reviews were accumulating. As of about this time last year, I see 300 total, 201 public. It looks like we really are on track to do much better this time around… nice work everybody!


Yes! I have the lowest number of votes! That means more coming later, I guess, so there shouldn’t be times with no reviews left.

(The reason I’m happy is literally for no reason, but I still am :joy:)


Sorry, have been off for a bit. The Spreadsheet is up to date again (excluding external sources not posted here…).
Some milestones passed:

  • the public median is now 6
  • the non-author median is now 5

I think in a few days we’ll have passed 500 reviews (I’m guessing this weekend)


Catching up on old messages… lolWUT???


If you know Stiffy Makane, it makes perfect sense, believe me. (Well, and certain meanings of the English word ‘bush’.)


Eh I was right…

500 reviews :partying_face:

Edit: :joy: the public average is 6.66 too


That’s because I just started playing Dr Ludwig and the Devil.


Public Total median is now 7!


Public median is now 6!
Also edited the post above because I indicated the wrong category


I try to read the reviews for the games I’ve played, and I’m up to date with those. But each time I visit the SpreadSheet I see that there are tons of reviews added for games I haven’t played yet or that I won’t come around to.

Did I count this right? 58 reviewers? I’m gonna have quite the backlog when the Comp is done.


Total median is 8!
Also a few reviews away from 600 milestone already!


I’ve been, uh, in and out this past week. But wow. This is very good so far!

We’re at 499 public reviews too which isn’t quite a milestone, but it’s at 6.66 average.

I’d have expected DMcB to get the most reviews so far (being short and having a distinctive name) but it’s Xanthippe right now.

Makane has the fewest overall reviews, Milliways the fewest public. If there’s not a huge tie, then the next best thing is I like seeing different entries have the bottom public and private score. That way no entry feels like the runt. I want to make time for both. I bet other reviewers do too.


The highest reviewed entry has been changing over the weeks. H!ICFMG was top for a while, and so was DMcB and Assembly. Xanthippe’s lead is fairly recent.

I think it was expected for parsers to have the lowest overall reviews, especially the longer ones. Choice-based entries tend to be most accessible to the general public. I think I’m still the only Public reviewer for Milliways? I do hope there are more overall for those entries.
(I have a bunch of parsers left in my pile…)