IFComp 2019 Entrants Group is updated, please request if we missed you!

If you are an entrant in this year’s IFComp, you may participate in the private author discussion forums.

Check “Groups” under the hamburger menu:


After approval, the group should give you access to the private forum and title under your name. You can remove it in your profile or set it as you like under Preferences>Account - “Title”



Supplementary note - I removed the “request” buttons from groups for previous Comp years. In theory most people should be loaded to the group during the Comp and shouldn’t need to be added later, but if you’re a special case - you were in the 2016 comp but were never a user here until now, your username changed and you’re not merging it - please PM me with an explanation for potential addition to a specific group.

Hi @HanonO

I entered Abandon Them into this year’s competition. I put in a request for the 2019 Entrants group on October 6th, but haven’t heard anything back yet. How does the approval process work? Is there anything else I need to do?


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Hi Alan!
@Jacqueline had asked me to let her approve group members specifically. I see your request and @DamonWakes sitting there. I’ll reach out and let her know.

Cool! Thank you!

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