According to @ifcomp on Twitter, the results of IFComp 2017 will be announced at 4 PM EST on 2017-11-17 on the @ifcomp Twitter feed.
For anyone’s who’s confused about time zones (and if you’re not, you should be), here’s a countdown timer.
According to @ifcomp on Twitter, the results of IFComp 2017 will be announced at 4 PM EST on 2017-11-17 on the @ifcomp Twitter feed.
For anyone’s who’s confused about time zones (and if you’re not, you should be), here’s a countdown timer.
Congratulations to Buster Hudson and “Wizard Sniffer!”
Results (full):
Results (compact):
Hmm, the ranking seems to be somewhat misleading. It’s based not on the average scores, but on the average scores after rounding to two decimal places. That’s why there are so many (17) ties. For example, Swigian and Harbinger are listed as tied for 21st place, with Swigian listed first. But Harbinger actually had a higher average score (6.300) than Swigian (6.296).
Not that it matters very much in the grand scheme of things. Congratulations to all the authors! This year there were so many good games that I think at least the top half of the ranking list is well worth playing. And I even enjoyed many games on the bottom half!
Congratulations to the authors!!!
Our wrap-up blog post: … -has-ended
Colossal Fund prize payments have now gone out, via PayPal. Please contact me ( if you think you should have gotten one and didn’t. Or if you did and you shouldn’t have.
We decided to increase the Colossal Fund prize pool to $5600 (from our originally-planned $4800), due to the large number of entries and the unexpected generosity of our donors. The top two-thirds of the entries qualified, which is the top 53 entries. (Some of those authors declined CF prizes, however.)
The distribution of the traditional prize pool has also begun. As usual, that process may take several weeks, as winners have to be contacted one at a time.)
Congrats to everybody.