IFComp 2008 Checklists (spoiler-free!)

It was kind of fun last year to post my random-ordered checklist, and then mark off each game after I finished playing. If anybody else wants to join in, just reply to this post with your list (in the order you intend to play - whether it’s random, alphabetical, by platform, etc) and then edit it each time you complete a game.

No scores or commentary, please (at least, for this topic).

[X] Afflicted
[X] Riverside
[X] Snack Time!
[X] Project Delta
[X] Ananachronist
[X] Opening Night
[X] Trein
[X] Everybody Dies
[X] LAIR of the CyberCow
[X] Nerd Quest
[X] Search for the Ultimate Weapon
[X] Cry Wolf
[X] The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
[X] Freedom
[X] A Date With Death
[X] Violet
[X] April in Paris
[X] Red Moon
[X] When Machines Attack
[X] Piracy 2.0
[X] Recess At Last
[X] The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom
[X] Buried In Shoes
[X] Berrost’s Challenge
[X] Magic
[X] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[X] The Lighthouse
[X] Escape from the Underworld
[X] Martian Odyssey
[X] Nightfall
[ ] Grief
[ ] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[ ] Channel Surfing
[ ] The Lucubrator
[ ] The Missing Piece

And so I only got to 30 of the 35 this year.

It was fun for me to watch as people played through the games last year, so I’ll post mine too.
Made with Inform.

[X] Piracy 2.0
[X] The Missing Piece
[X] When Machines Attack
[X] Project Delta
[X] Buried In Shoes
[X] Channel Surfing
[X] LAIR of the CyberCow
[X] Grief
[X] Nightfall
[X] Snack Time!
[X] A Date With Death
[X] Nerd Quest
[X] Escape from the Underworld
[X] Recess At Last
[X] April in Paris
[X] Berrost’s Challenge
[X] Ananachronist
[X] Everybody Dies
[X] A Martian Odyssey
[X] The Lighthouse
[X] Freedom
[X] Trein
[X] Opening Night
[X] Violet
[X] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[X] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[X] The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
[X] Red Moon
[X] Cry Wolf
[X] Riverside
[X] Search for the Ultimate Weapon
[X] The Lucubrator
[X] Afflicted
[X] Magic
[X] The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom

  • D

I liked this last year too:

2008 IF Competition

X : When Machines Attack
X : Search for the Ultimate Weapon
X : The Lucubrator
X : Afflicted
X : The Missing Piece
X : The Lighthouse
X : Everybody Dies
X : Red Moon
X : Nightfall
X : Channel Surfing
X : Piracy 2.0
X : LAIR of the CyberCow
X : Freedom
X : Cry Wolf
X : Berrost’s Challenge
X : Opening Night
X : The Hall of the Fount of Artois
X : Riverside
X : A Martian Odyssey
X : Nerd Quest
X : Project Delta
X : Violet
X : April in Paris
X : A Date With Death
X : The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
X : Grief
X : Trein
X : Magic
X : Dracula’s Underground Crypt
X : Buried In Shoes
X : Escape from the Underworld
X : Ananachronist
X : Snack Time!
X : Recess At Last
X : The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom

[X] Afflicted
[X] Piracy 2.0
[X] Snack Time!
[X] The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
[X] Freedom
[X] Riverside
[X] Opening Night
[X] Nerd Quest
[X] Recess At Last
[X] Project Delta
[X] Grief
[X] Channel Surfing
[X] Magic
[X] Everybody Dies
[X] Berrost’s Challenge
[X] Red Moon
[X] Violet
[X] Buried In Shoes
[X] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[X] The Lucubrator
[X] Escape from the Underworld
[X] Trein
[X] April in Paris
[X] Nightfall
[X] Ananachronist
[X] When Machines Attack
[] LAIR of the CyberCow
] Search for the Ultimate Weapon
[] Cry Wolf
] A Date With Death
[] The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom
] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[] The Lighthouse
] Martian Odyssey
[_] The Missing Piece

And here’s mine… :slight_smile:

[X] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[X] Channel Surfing
[X] Piracy 2.0
[X] Snack Time!
[X] Project Delta
[X] Buried in Shoes
[X] Berrost’s Challenge
[X] Escape from the Underworld
[X] The Missing Piece
[X] Nightfall
[X] When Machines Attack
[X] Red Moon
[X] Everybody Dies
[X] The Lucubrator
[X] Riverside
[X] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[] The Lighthouse
] Nerd Quest
[] The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom
] Opening Night
[] Recess At Last
] April in Paris
[] Afflicted
] Violet
[] A Martian Odyssey
] The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
[] A Date With Death
] LAIR of the CyberCow
[] Search for the Ultimate Weapon
] Ananachronist
[] Trein
] Grief
[] Magic
] Freedom
[_] Cry Wolf

Oh go on then.

[x] Riverside
[x] Escape from the Underworld
[x] LAIR of the CyberCow
[x] The Lighthouse
[x] Opening Night
[x] Ananachronist
[x] A Martian Odyssey
[x] Channel Surfing
[x] The Ngah Angah School Of Forbidden Wisdom
[x] April In Paris
[x] Search for the Ultimate Weapon
[x] Nightfall
[x] Berrost’s Challenge
[x] The Lucubrator
[x] Grief
[x] Everybody Dies
[x] Piracy 2.0
[] When Machines Attack
] A Date With Death
[x] Trein
[x] Violet
[] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[x] Afflicted
[x] Project Delta
] Cry Wolf
[x] Snack Time!
[x] The Missing Piece
[] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[x] The Absolute Worst IF Game In History
] Nerd Quest
[_] Magic
[x] Freedom
[x] Recess At Last
[x] Red Moon
[x] Buried In Shoes

[x] Dracula’s Underground Crypt
[x] The Lucubrator
[x] April in Paris
[x] The Absolute Worst IF Game in History
[x] Berrost’s Challenge
[x] When Machines Attack
[x] Afflicted
[ ] Piracy 2.0
[ ] Buried In Shoes
[ ] Search for the Ultimate Weapo
[ ] Red Moon
[ ] Everybody Dies
[ ] Channel Surfing
[ ] Cry Wolf
[ ] Freedom
[ ] Escape from the Underworld
[ ] The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom
[ ] Nightfall
[ ] A Date With Death
[ ] Riverside
[ ] Grief
[ ] Trein
[ ] Magic
[ ] The Lighthouse
[ ] A Martian Odyssey
[ ] Recess At Last
[ ] The Hall of the Fount of Artois
[ ] Ananachronist
[ ] LAIR of the CyberCow
[ ] Snack Time!
[ ] Project Delta
[ ] Nerd Quest
[ ] The Missing Piece
[ ] Violet
[ ] Opening Night