Lend me your … grilled meats!? I want to start up an IF enthusiasts group in the Kansas City area. I’m looking around for any others interested in playing, writing, or general mucking about with IF in said area. If interested, drop me a line!
Hey! St. Louis, so just a little too far…
If more are in say Missouri, we could always expand it to an online meeting and say be “Missouri IF Guild”, even though I’m technically living in Kansas. Sure, I’m redefining it, but why not?
I’ve got lots of friends in KC, but unfortunately I know of no other text gamers besides myself… there or here.
I might have tried to make the trip from Wichita—if we hadn’t just moved to Philadelphia this summer. Best of luck, though!
I lived in Manhattan for seven years.
I still have my coffee mug, “Kansas, it’s not so bad.”
I’ve seen a shirt that went along the lines of “Kansas: you get used to it.”
Figured it’s been 2 years and things can change a lot. So, I bring the topic back up. Are there any IF people in the greater Kansas City metro area or are near enough to it?
Still over here in St. Louis…
Probably more to do there than here