IF Archive dark mode

Keeping up with the times, https://ifarchive.org now offers light and dark color themes.

The theme defaults to matching your OS theme selection. Or it tries to, anyhow. If you don’t like the default, there’s a “Theme” button in the footer of each page which will toggle light/dark.

Some notes:

  • Since there’s no account storage for the IF Archive, your theme preference is stored in a client cookie. If you wipe cookies you’ll have to push the button again.

  • The theme default does not require Javascript, but the toggle button does. (I really oughta hide the button if JS is not available…) (EDIT: done.)

  • A few of the pages in /misc are not yet updated with theme support. Neither is Unbox.

I tried to match the original light scheme’s color palette and contrast range when creating the new theme. Let me know if you see a problem.


Wow! That actually looks really nice. It’s kinda warm and comforting, and good on the eyes.

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For full disclosure, are archive visitors who use dark mode at more risk of being eaten by a grue?


Join us…on the dark side…

here are the two variations for comparison - nice touch that the art is also reversed.