[i7] Game pane blank after successful compile

That was Blecki’s report, and it wasn’t clear to me whether than was with Nutso’s minimal test case, or something else.

It seems to work in Quixe with the latest copy of Flexible Windows. I’ll let you know if I can manage to break it again.

I’ve put a new Windows build of Inform 7 6G60 is up, available from inform7.com/download/ and from the IF-Archive, which should fix the problem with the latest Flexible Windows seen here.

I’m working on updating Flexible Windows so that the main-window can be closed and reopened: github.com/i7/extensions/blob/m … indows.i7x

I’m running into the same “gli_set_style: invalid stream” mentioned here, but now it’s probably because of something else.

This example should show it:

There is a room.

Include Flexible Windows by Jon Ingold.

When play begins:
shut down the main-window;
open up the main-window;[/code]

Because it’s closing and reopening the window immediately, I don’t know how it would have time to try printing to the window. Any ideas?

Problems can occur if something causes an I7 Run-Time Problem - the I7 code that handles that prints out a message, but doesn’t check whether it’s got a valid main window to print to.

As a first test, I would modify your interpreter to see if there’s an attempt to print out any text where the error occurs.

I finally found the problem: it was set up to only open windows which are spawned from open windows, and of course the main-window is not, meaning it was never even opened. An easy fix, but at least I neatened up a lot of code while looking for the problem.