[I7] Can this phrase be used?

Recently I have come upon what may be the best sentence ever written on the internet, to wit

(Trust me when I say that context would only ruin it.)

My first instinct on reading it was that it would make for a damn fine line in an Inform 7 source code, but while it looks like a good example of Inform-ese, I’m not actually sure it would compile. At the very least you would have to define what exactly a “general electronics manufacturing occurrence” is, earlier in the source. What else would have to be changed?

It occurs to me that this could well be a new kind of thread: come up with an Inform-like sentence, then define its implementation. Conclude with the command in its original, unaltered form.

As for me, I’d implement it as something like this (unfortunately, as I am at work, I can’t test it):

[code]An event is a kind of thing.
A general manufacturing occurrence is a kind of event.

Event-scope relates various events to various people. The verb to happen to (it happens to, they happen to, it is happening to) implies the event-scope relation.

Catching on fire is a general electronics manufacturing occurrence that happens to anybody.[/code]

I doubt it would compile though. For one, I’m unsure whether “anybody” is valid in this context, and really the “thing” kind is a poor abstraction for modelling events.

I’ll take an easy one to start off Eleas’s challenge.

[code]A thing can be dangerous. A thing is usually not dangerous.

A little learning is a dangerous thing.[/code]

We should do a sort of informese poetry slam. Where you have to write code that compiles, but where the point is showing off the code, not the compiled games.

[code]a person can be from Nantucket or not from Nantucket.

there is a man from Nantucket.[/code]

wait, lemme think on this one a bit more…

A bucket is in Nantucket.

Forgetting the poems, this is really simple namespacing mechanism that I would really like to see work.

Section - A

The thug is a thing.

Section - B

The thug is a thing. [Currently an error. Instead, it could create a new thing, also called 'the thug'.]

Section - C

The holding cell is a room.

The thug is in the holding cell. [Ambiguous. Which thug?]

The thug from A is in the holding cell. [Okay, that thug!]

How about this? It works!


[Catching on fire is a general electronics manufacturing occurrence that happens to anybody.]

The Testing Room is A Room.[/code]


You have ignored the spirit of the rule for the letter of it and for that, Sir, I salute you.

It is(*), and your code compiles with only slight changes:

[code]X is a room.

An event is a kind of thing.
A general electronics manufacturing occurrence is a kind of event.

Event-scope relates various events to various people. The verb to happen to (it happens to, they happen to, it is happening to) implies the event-scope relation.

Catching on fire is a general electronics manufacturing occurrence that happens to anybody.[/code]
(* But it results in the event relating to two separate people, each called “the person”, so this may be a bug.)