I saw on the website and on Twitter that today, not the 30th, is the very last day to get your votes in. If I’m wrong let me know. Otherwise, don’t forget to get your votes in!
Looks like it: https://ifcomp.org/about/schedule
November 29th: Votes by end of day at midnight (Eastern Time).
It also says the results will be announced on Dec 5th on Twitch like last year. I’m trying to remember, did they actually release the results on the web site before that? Or do we have to wait for another week?
Pretty sure that Twitch was the first announcement last year.
I know!
I seem to recall that the results went live on the website as soon as the Twitch announcement was finished. So it’s not waiting an extra week, just an extra…I think the stream last year was an hour or two?
I think @paulseawa meant “an extra week after voting closes.”
Oh. I thought that was just the normal delay before getting the results? Or was it maybe three days before?
And that’s a wrap. IFComp 2020 voting is closed. Excited to see the results Saturday the 5th on twitch!
With covid, there have been additional mail in ballots this year. They take extra time to count. (Wink)