I cant center the image in my passage for some reason

Twine Version:
[also choose a Story Format tag above]

So for some reason no matter what i do (I’ve given it an image id and used it in the stylesheet) this image wont change its position to the center:


<a data-passage="Settings"><img id= "menuimg" src="C:\\Users\\home\\Downloads\\Cool-Text-433206938846765 (1).png" width="677" height="305" alt=" truepower.f " /></a>

//Test text.//

<<set $emptytext to " ">>


#menuimg {

position: relative;

width: 977px;

height: 455px;

z-index: 50;


since you wrapped the image in a link, the image is at the center of the link, instead of the page. You could wrap the whole thing in a <centre> (or a <div> with the id #menuimg) instead.

What do you mean by that? (Im a noob at coding lol)
And if you mean (<center>) i already did that and it changed nothing

<centre><a data-passage="Settings"><img id= "menuimg" src="C:\\Users\\home\\Downloads\\Cool-Text-433206938846765 (1).png" width="677" height="305" alt=" truepower.f " /></a></centre>

with a div

<div id="menuimg"><a data-passage="Settings"><img id= "menuimg" src="C:\\Users\\home\\Downloads\\Cool-Text-433206938846765 (1).png" width="677" height="305" alt=" truepower.f " /></a></div>

Yeah nothing changed

Then there must be an interference from a parent element (either .passage or #passages or #story), probably some margin/padding.
You can use the Inspect Tool (click left, bottom of the menu) of your browser to see what is affecting your image not being placed in the center.

This what’s in my css for passages and story:

body {

color: #fff;
background-color: #000;
background-image: url(https://a-static.besthdwallpaper.com/city-night-art-wallpaper-2800x2100-81152_28.jpg);
font-family: ‘Inconsolata’, monospace;
text-align: center;


passage {
font-family: ‘Inconsolata’, monospace;
text-align: center;

#story {
text-align: center;
padding: .3em .55em .25em .35em;
border: 5px solid #324;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
font-family: ‘Inconsolata’, monospace;

(Theres so many text-align: center’s cause they werent working)

(you can remove the doubles in css rules. whatever is set in #body for the font will be attached to any child (anything inside body))

Annnd we have it: padding: .3em .55em .25em .35em;
padding is set top → right → bottom → left. Here they are different values. So nothing will be fully centered…

do i set it all to the same thing?

Test it out and see what feels best :slight_smile:

OK Thanks for the help!