Hyperlink Combat System by Philip Black

I tried to run one of the examples listed in the documentation for “Hyperlink Combat System by Philip Black”, just to see how it would play, but it won’t compile in the latest build of Inform. It doesn’t appear to be a problem with the code of the example, rather it’s the code of the extension itself. I guess it’s no longer compatible with Inform? Is it possible to fix it?

"In Chapter - Reloadable Weapons in the extension Hyperlink Combat System by Philip Black:

Problem. You wrote ‘A thing has a text called the out of ammo text’ : but only an object, kind, rulebook, action or activity can be allowed to have properties or variables, so for instance ‘A door has a colour’ is fine but not ‘A number has a length’.

Problem. You wrote ‘The out of ammo text of a thing is usually “You pull the trigger, but nothing […] de 9654][o]RELOAD[x][unicode 9664]”’ , but that seems to set a property out of ammo text to the value ‘“You pull the trigger, but nothing […] de 9654][o]RELOAD[x][unicode 9664]”’, which I don’t recognise as meaning anything."


Never mind! Sorry - I should have searched first. I found a post that gave me an idea, and I fixed it. It’s working now…