Hugor 2.0 released

Hugor is a multimedia interpreter for Hugo games.

Hugor 2.0 if finally released. Almost eight years have passed since the first release, which I pretty much wrote just so I can use Linux to play Cryptozookeeper the way it was intended :smile:

Thereā€™s downloads for Linux (64-bit), macOS (10.12 and newer) and Windows (7 and newer.)

The Linux version is now an AppImage ā€“ just run the ā€œHugor.AppImageā€ app. You can copy it to wherever you want. Itā€™s very similar to a macOS app. It should work out of the box on all reasonably recent distros (the oldest supported distro is Ubuntu 16.04.) There is no 32-bit Linux download (not sure if itā€™s worth supporting since AppImage is 64bit-only.)

Video is fully supported on all operating systems. On Windows, if you donā€™t care about video support, you can just keep the ā€œHugor.exeā€ file and discard everything else. Currently, The only known game to use video is Future Boy.

Special thanks to @Angstsmurf for testing the macOS port and providing invaluable feedback. :+1:

Downloads and changelog:


Ouh, nice!
Downloading the AppImage (good move ;)). Thank you

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Small v2.1 bugfix release:

  • Fixes an issue where the fullscreen width is too narrow when loading settings stored by Hugor version 1.0.

  • The Linux AppImage now integrates better with the Gnome desktop (native Gnome file dialogs are used when possible, and some missing icons should now show correctly.)

If you didnā€™t have one of these issues, thereā€™s no need to download the new version.

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(This is hopefully going to be the last bugfix release for a while. )

Version 2.2 fixes an annoying bug where on some systems the interpreter would minimize itself when in fullscreen mode when opening a file dialog or when bringing up the scrollback window:

I hope this means the kinks of the 2.0 release should now be considered ironed out. Thanks everyone for reporting them!

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I wanted to bump this thread because I meant to put a link to where one can download Hugor in the textfile to my comp game, but I didnā€™t. Nikos has github links, and this page is also really straightforward on IF Wiki for getting the versions for Windows, your Mac and your Linux computer:

Iā€™ve installed Hugor on all three platforms recently and was able to test using all of them. Iā€™ve been making a different, larger Hugo game for a while and tried to do things like see what happens if I leave Hugor up for half a week and resume play, see if it ever crashes or goes weird on its own, test out different audio files, everything. Itā€™s really solid. Anyway, just wanted to bump this since playing Hugo games has never been easier. :slight_smile: