How do I remove unknown/non-existent passages?

Hello, first of all it’s my first time posting on this forum so I apologize if I do something wrong (eg. i put this post into the wrong category or something).

But to sum it up, if needed, I am using twine’s online/browser ver and I have Chapel’s pronoun macro in my JS. I am having trouble debugging/testing my game? To show you: here:

(I dont know if that image will load since it only shows me a link right now, but tell me if it doesn’t.)

As you can see, the pronoun works but it is in red, and when i click on it it will send me to the passage (once), and when I use one of the button/arrow things, it will send me to the “do” passage?


FYI, I don’t have a passage named “do”; again, let me show you

I only have a passage named “test” and “pairpair” so I don’t know where “do” came from, how do I fix this?

(I have no idea if I make sense right now but please tell me if I don’t and I’ll try to explain further.)

Hiya! you need to wrap the name of the passage in quotes or with [[ ]]! (see documentation)
Examples from the documentation:

→ Passage name form
<<goto "Somewhere over yonder">>
<<goto $selectedPassage>>

→ Link markup form
<<goto [[Somewhere over yonder]]>>
<<goto [[$selectedPassage]]>>

(btw, it’s easier for us if you copy/paste the content of your passages in your post :wink: makes debugging and testing solutions faster - since we can copy-paste)

EDIT: it is also possible you need to have the text in your link formatted as follow:

<<link `?They do...`>>

(instead of quotes - I think this is where the do passage comes from)


Thank you so much! I’ll keep that in mind when I post :slight_smile:

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