I finished the Jack and the Beanstalk tutorial with a running game. It mentioned there were other tutorials, although I am not sure if they were in the package I had originally downloaded or I would need to download them. I wanted to go off of memory what I had learned and ended up getting out of the tutorial completely.
Now I have no idea how to get back in it. I’ve started a new game and that particular help option did not show up again. I can not find any buttons or options with in buttons, that would take me to it. I see a [?] button on the top right of the main screen, but I need the internet for that and my PC does not have it readily available. But I did not have the internet when the tutorial first appeared either, so it has to be some where.
So how do I get back to the first tutorial? Also it mentioned there were other tutorials, but I am not sure if they are built into the version of Adrift I have or they need to be downloaded as well. I did find a different online tutorial on my phone, but for the sake of my sanity, how do I get back to the tutorial I was on or the others it mentioned? Thank you.
Edit: It should be noted that I did find the Jack and the Beanstalk tutorial online using my phone. But I still would like to know how to pull it back up in Adrift itself. Thank you.
Edit Edit: From the tutorial I found online, it mentions pressing F1 or the [?] Help button, but as mentioned before, the [?] just said I need to be online. I will try the F1 when I get the chance. Thank you.