How do I get back to the Adrift tutorial? (Version

I finished the Jack and the Beanstalk tutorial with a running game. It mentioned there were other tutorials, although I am not sure if they were in the package I had originally downloaded or I would need to download them. I wanted to go off of memory what I had learned and ended up getting out of the tutorial completely.

Now I have no idea how to get back in it. I’ve started a new game and that particular help option did not show up again. I can not find any buttons or options with in buttons, that would take me to it. I see a [?] button on the top right of the main screen, but I need the internet for that and my PC does not have it readily available. But I did not have the internet when the tutorial first appeared either, so it has to be some where.

So how do I get back to the first tutorial? Also it mentioned there were other tutorials, but I am not sure if they are built into the version of Adrift I have or they need to be downloaded as well. I did find a different online tutorial on my phone, but for the sake of my sanity, how do I get back to the tutorial I was on or the others it mentioned? Thank you.

Edit: It should be noted that I did find the Jack and the Beanstalk tutorial online using my phone. But I still would like to know how to pull it back up in Adrift itself. Thank you.

Edit Edit: From the tutorial I found online, it mentions pressing F1 or the [?] Help button, but as mentioned before, the [?] just said I need to be online. I will try the F1 when I get the chance. Thank you.

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"Offline access

The offline help file is part of the ADRIFT installation. To launch it, either press the F1 key or click the help button at the top right of ADRIFT’s main window."

F1 nor the help button [?] is working. F1 acts like it is not even being pressed. The help button [?] just says I’m not connected to the internet. But that is because I am offline, so I need the offline help. :person_facepalming:

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You should be able to double-click on the ADRIFT 5 Help.chm file.

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Thank you. I had to find the file. Not sure why it will not just show up when pressing F1 or the Help button [?], but this will work. That or I will just use my phone to find them.

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Note that most ADRIFT users are not on intfiction very often but quite often on the ADRIFT forum. It is perfectly okay to ask here, but you may not get a response here so often. But thanks to @Warrigal for the quick reply here. Sadly, I don’t have much time for IF at the moment…