A quibble: I’m not sure that it’s fair to say that actions are the only meaningful context for scope checks. The “can see” test also makes use of scope checking, and it can be usefully applied in a check of the current world state.
The suggestion that @DeusIrae ruled out above, i.e. a check using a non-specific person such as
Every turn when a person can see the scalpel:
<do stuff>
is functional and will work as expected, translating into I6 code that means “if there exists a person X such that the scalpel is in scope for X…”. Example code:
"Person X"
Place is a room.
Other Place is east of Place.
An openable closed container called a box is in Other Place.
A scalpel is in the box.
Every turn when a person can see the scalpel:
say "<Scalpel in sight of someone.>[line break]"
Bob is a man.
After jumping:
now Bob is in Place;
if the player can see Bob:
say "Bob appears in a puff of smoke.";
continue the action.
Test me with "e / open box / close box / open box / get scalpel / w / drop scalpel / e / jump / w / take scalpel / e / drop scalpel / w".
As a broader point relevant to the original post, there are some conditional phrases that compile only in the context of what one might call “action conditions” (and I’m thinking that this may be what you meant to point out), which are typically found in rule preambles (but can be used elsewhere). These start with an action name, e.g.
jumping in the presence of an acrobat
and translate to code which means “if the current action meets [these conditions]…”. Some of these conditional phrases have alternate equivalent phrasing that can be used outside of action conditions. “In the presence of X” (where X is a thing) is one of them, with the equivalent “actor can see X”. Another is “during X” (where X is a scene), with equivalent “X is happening”. (I was thinking that there are more, but these are the only two that come to mind at the moment.)
It’s also true that there are certain scope changes that only apply while an action is being parsed. So, for example, various topic objects might be brought into scope while parsing an understand line such as
Understand "consider [any question]" as considering.
for a hypothetical considering action and associated hypothetical question objects. In such a case, questions will be in scope for the actor only during the parsing stage, not the between-parsing stages in which action processing and every turn rules are considered.