How can we enable players to ask NPC's questions about their world?

Ah, okay, well — doesn’t bother me personally but I can understand where you’re coming from.

This was originally Ultima’s dialogue system. Starting in Ultima 4, I believe. Not sure how long they stuck to it.


Ah, that makes sense. Exile was kind of a pile of “things the dev liked from previous CRPGs.”

From Ultima IV to VI.

Ultima VII switched to a clickable keyword menu

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


Recently, Jon Ingold had a great post related to the topic of NPC knowledge: Changeable Minds. Separating event tracking from… | by inkle | Jan, 2024 | Medium


very interesting article, notwhistanding the questionable blog platform (a very nosy one…): there’s interesting point to mull on…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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The game Archmage Rises is doing some interesting things in this regard.

You can ask NPCs about a range of topics like where other NPC’s or places are, or what they know about another NPC, and so on.

Worth checking out if you’re into this kind of stuff.


Thanks for sharing that link, Matt. I swear that game has been in development for a while. I was fascinated by it’s ambition. I remember when it was just one guy working on it.

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I guess I have been tracking it for about a year and finally decided to dive in. It’s certainly not a baked game but there’s enough there now to make it enjoyable to play. It shows a lot of promise. And, yes, the author now seems to have a small team around them. That’s promising.