How can I change the default error messages during play?

I’m asking some basic yes or no questions and would like to change the default error response (please answer yes or no>).

I found Default Messages and Custom Library Messages, but I get errors whenever I install either of them, even in a blank project.

Default Messages give this error:

Problem. In the sentence 'Section - internal (in place of Section SR5/8/2 - Message support - Intervention - Unindexed in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson) unindexed'  , it looks as if you intend to replace a section of source text from the extension 'Standard Rules by Graham Nelson', but that extension does not seem to have any heading called 'Section SR5/8/2 - Message support - Intervention - Unindexed'. (The version I loaded was 3/120430.)

Custom Library Messages gives this very long error:

[code]In Part 1 - Definitions, Section 1.1 - Library Message values in the extension Custom Library Messages by David Fisher:
Problem. The sentence ‘The library message ids are defined by the table of library messages’ (which asserts that 'LibMsg ’ is/are ‘library message ids’ ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg . Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word ‘when’ or ‘while’ I’m going to say no.
That’s because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like ‘Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.’ But in fact although ‘jumping’ is an action, ‘Jumping when…’ is not - ‘when’ can’t be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object ‘jumping when the actor’ and putting it on top of another one, ‘trampoline is high-jumping’. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word ‘when’, try something like: ‘In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.’

Problem. In row 103 of ‘Table of library messages’ , the entry 'LibMsg ’ seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?
See the manual: 16.16 > 16.16. Defining things with tables
Problem. The sentence ‘Table of library messages’ (which asserts that 'LibMsg ’ is/are ‘library message ids’ ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg . Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word ‘when’ or ‘while’ I’m going to say no.
That’s because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like ‘Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.’ But in fact although ‘jumping’ is an action, ‘Jumping when…’ is not - ‘when’ can’t be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object ‘jumping when the actor’ and putting it on top of another one, ‘trampoline is high-jumping’. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word ‘when’, try something like: ‘In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.’

Problem. In row 104 of ‘Table of library messages’ , the entry 'LibMsg ’ seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?
Problem. The sentence ‘Table of library messages’ (which asserts that 'LibMsg ’ is/are ‘library message ids’ ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg . Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word ‘when’ or ‘while’ I’m going to say no.
That’s because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like ‘Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.’ But in fact although ‘jumping’ is an action, ‘Jumping when…’ is not - ‘when’ can’t be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object ‘jumping when the actor’ and putting it on top of another one, ‘trampoline is high-jumping’. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word ‘when’, try something like: ‘In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.’

Problem. In row 105 of ‘Table of library messages’ , the entry 'LibMsg ’ seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?
Problem. The sentence ‘Table of library messages’ (which asserts that 'LibMsg ’ is/are ‘library message ids’ ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg . Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word ‘when’ or ‘while’ I’m going to say no.
That’s because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like ‘Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.’ But in fact although ‘jumping’ is an action, ‘Jumping when…’ is not - ‘when’ can’t be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object ‘jumping when the actor’ and putting it on top of another one, ‘trampoline is high-jumping’. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word ‘when’, try something like: ‘In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.’

Problem. In row 159 of ‘Table of library messages’ , the entry 'LibMsg ’ seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?
In Part 1 - Definitions, Section 1.1 - Library Message values in the extension Custom Library Messages by David Fisher:
Problem. You wrote ‘The tenses are past tense and present tense’ : but this seems to say that a general description is something else, like saying that ‘a door is 20’.[/code]

Basically, I want to be able to do something like this when asking questions:

When play begins: 
	clear the screen;
	set LibMsg <yes or no prompt> to "The door seems to awesome to ignore! Please answer yes or no. >> ";
	say "[line break][line break][line break][line break][line break]You push the glowing button and jump back at the sound of ancient gears churrning.  You watch in awe as an entire section of shelf slowly folds away to reveal a massive, metal door. An ornate knocker sits decoratively in its center. [line break][line break]Do you knock? >>";
	if the player consents:
		say "[line break]You knock gently three times. There's a subtle [italic type]click[roman type] as the door slowly opens...";
		move the player to The Revealing Room;
		say "[line break]The door stays closed. You consider backing away slowly...";
		move the player to The Mystery Section;

How can I get either of these extensions working or do this otherwise?

Those extensions are for older versions of Inform. See chapter 14.10 through 14.12 for the current library response system.

That worked! Thank you for your quick response and help.