Hint Thread for Never Gives Up Her Dead

Hello again, I am now stuck on the horror caves section and would appreciate some hints. I’ve gotten the scrolls from the burning room and the insect room, not sure how to progress from here. I know there’s a stalker in the dead end room, but haven’t managed to interact with them. What do I do with the Virox spell?

Have you tried flying around different places?

Virox[/spoiler] will always kill you. You can make that death useful, but not with [spoiler]the stalker

Specifically, that spell is for killing the enormous underwater creature.

Thank you! I did try flying but didn’t try going north. I think I tried going down, died, then mentally crossed out flying in the vast chamber as a possibility.

I’m now in the destroyed recorder timeline and think I’ve found a bug. Antonio in Cryostorage doesn’t seem to be properly implemented (? is that the word?) since examining him or giving him things doesn’t work. Was briefly confused when “give salt to Antonio” returned an error, but simply “give salt” did the trick.

Also this is a nitpick but there is a typo in the zoo, specifically the goat’s left horn description: “The buck’s left horn is about the width of your armOn it hangs a logic ring…”

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Thanks for the bug reports! The antonio bug was because I only told the game to recognize the name ‘yang’. I just changed it to recognize either ‘yang’ or ‘antonio’. I also fixed the typo. This will be in the next version.

Would you like to be included in the credits?

Sure, glad to have helped!

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