Hint Thread for Never Gives Up Her Dead

I think the only potential issue would be whether that timing would let you mallox yourself before popping the pillar - I’d thought that would let me squeeze my arm in deep enough to get the scroll, but I think the flying duration is one turn too short to manage that. But if you think that’s an ok alternate solution that could work too, I guess!

I actually really liked this puzzle; I think the main problems I had were that since it’s solvable when there are still like four or five other puzzles available, and it seems complex, it took me a while to front-burner it and really think whether I could solve it yet. And then turning on the camera and looking at the footage seemed obvious to me, so the CAMERA clue made me think there was something hidden there, while the description of being knocked over was slightly subtle in communicating that flying would help. But once I got a toe-hold I really liked the loop; it’s kind of like a version of the Babel Fish puzzle, maybe?

Now that I’ve typed this all out, if you want to make it easier, one idea might be to make the slime description be that the room gets flooded a foot or two deep with gunk, or something like that, and present that as the immediate challenge.


This is what I tried first, as well, and in retrospect, I assume I tried it first for the same reasons as Tabitha.



Yeah, it’s directly based on the Babel Fish puzzle. The feedback from all three of you is very helpful!


Yeah, I don’t think I ever really recognized the significance of the slime—the footage from doing the pillar spell the first time didn’t really prompt me with any ideas of what I was trying to accomplish, just “oh huh, there’s a creature in there.”


Huh, I just extended the exklip spell and went to look at my code to see if I could add your alternate solution, and it’s been there all along! It just wasn’t accessible due to timing. So your reasoning was spot-on.


Made it through most of the wax museum. Stuck on the last spear for arthur.

I have long umbrella, a straight sapling, a new-looking broom, a spade and a rake.

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A fan? Check the bench. (Checked my notes to be 100% sure)


Doing the monuments area now. How do I get correct change to buy the calculator?


Escalating hints as per usual:

This isn’t a making-change puzzle, you probably just need to find money in the right denominations.

Have you looked over the exploration journal lately?

As close to a solution as I can remember off the top of my head (sorry, can’t easily search my transcripts now):

There’s an envelope with more money hidden in some vines or foliage near the guardian statue; I think you need to SEARCH it. There’s a bit of a cue if you examine it, but the most direct clue is in the journal.


Ahh, I totally forgot about that—thank you!


Okay, I’m now completely stuck on the math puzzle. Here’s where I’m at:

I’ve gotten a measurement of 1.23 radians, a measurement of .995 cm (which is equivalent to .995 km in the chamber), and the calculator, which I used to try to find the arctanh of my radian measurement. Got an error when I used 1.23; I see the manual mentions forgetting to convert units, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to convert the radian measurement to?


The radians:

They can be used as-is. No need to change.

The distance:

This is the one that uses the formula in the book.

If it’s hard to type in:

Make sure the toggle is on, enter 0.995, then tanh (with the toggle on), then times, then 2.0.


Thanks! I see now that the geometry book specifically says “distance” in that equation, but I had overlooked that and assumed the measurement being called “r” meant it was the radian measurement (not a math person).


I’m probably totally overlooking something obvious, but how do I get back into the device room once I’ve harvested all the rifts? Since I need to go through a rift to get there…


You have to harvest it from the other side. (or do the same thing from another one that’s connected through the hub room.


Ahhhh, that makes sense! Lol I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Thanks!


Could someone give me tips for the robot area?
I keep losing the silver tier fight, with four robots.

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This one is hard for me on replays because I don’t remember how to do it.

But a strategy that tends to work for me is to start off with one person throwing the already-armed grenade while the other two each shoot one of the non-boss enemies.

It means you’ll lose one of your guys but you can take out two of theirs at once, then issue manual commands to one of your members to finish the rest of the fight.

If you watch the attack patterns, two of them are on a ‘attack every two turns’ cycle. This leads to a second and safer strategy is to have one person do nothing but hide, stun the earth bot, then hide, then stun, then hide while you and the other one hide, take out the fire bot, then take out the air bot, making the rest of the fight a lot easier.

There are some other good strategies I’ve seen out there but don’t remember them. Hope these help!


I’m mostly through haunted house level, but don’t know how to help dracula.

I’m missing two parts from the zoo level, and not sure even where to look. I haven’t figured out what to do with the fruit trees or the moss, and suspect there may be more to do with the turtle.


You need to get the bats back in their cage; he’s harried by them flirting about everywhere!

Hmm, you should know which parts and where they are; I think they’re typically all out in the open, just inaccessible. As to the moss and the turtle:

You should be able to find an animal who can help get the moss free - and you shouldn’t have to go too far to find them.

You don’t need to do anything directly with the turtle, but he’d like a friend.