Hint thread: Clean Getaway

Hmmm… I’m all alone in the Clean Room. My co-workers must have left while I was engrossed in my research. Also, the airlock door seems to be malfunctioning. I can’t get out.

I think I Xed everything there is to X in the room. Many things have negative responses (genre “best not to mess with that”).

The only thing I found is a fume extractor, which I can’t turn on because there are no fumes to suck up. I thought breaking the light tubes might release gases that would have to be vacuumed up, or might set off an alarm. Nope. I have a cart I can push, but nothing to do with it unless putting the extractor on it. I can also STAND ON CART, but this gives the weird Inform default response “You enter the cart,” so I don’t think standing on the cart to get a higher vantage point is intended. The fans are fanning but otherwise non-interactive.

In short, I’m stuck.


Just checked out the itch.io page: there’s a bug report that

in the very first room, there should be a mention of “cabinets”, but there isn’t. So make sure to “x cabinets”.

Frustrating, but it does exist. Use “x cabinets”, and “open cabinet” to get the stuff out of yours.


Thank you!

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Apparently, when you see a camera screwed to the wall with some screws, you don’t UNSCREW CAMERA, UNSCREW SCREWS or even LOOSEN those or USE the screwdriver.

I’ve run out of straightforward ways to phrase this, and I’m at the end of bendy ways to say it too. What is the command I need?

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From what I remember it’s just GET CAMERA.

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“You cannot take it. It is screwed to the wall.”

(I just checked to make sure the screwdriver is in my inventory. It would be perfectly normal not to be able to GET CAMERA without holding the screwdriver, but I do have it.)

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Are you standing on the cart?

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By the way, STAND ON CART and CLIMB CART give different responses. The message next to the room name indicates that you are on the cart in both cases though. I think that means that the game state has changed under the hood too for both commands? Anyway, I tried both and yes, I’m pretty sure I’m on it.


I can’t remember exactly what I typed at that point so I just checked the walkthrough on the Itch game page, which says the command is UNSCREW CAMERA WITH SCREWDRIVER. Hopefully that works!


Ah! The full monty, explicit screwdriver and everything!


Is this an unusual kind of file? It’s called walkthrough.rec, and when I try to open it it launches my VLC media player which then keeps trying to load indefinitely. (I did have VLC interfere with zipped files before. Maybe that’s the case here too?)

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I got a bit stuck at the end until I remembered the screwdriver issue. So instead of just SPRAY, I had to use the tonguetwisting screenspitting command SPRAY SPRAY. Say that ten times fast!


Yeah, the contents are just text, but the unusual extension is confusing your OS into trying to load it as an audio (?) RECording, I think.

You could rename it to .txt or just open it from a text editor or word processor or even (maybe?) drag-n-drop it onto your web browser.


Yes. I just tried it and drag’n’drop to the browser works too. Good to know.

Thanks for the info.