for some reason it can read the images on PC but not on my Android Device Specifically and i’m wondering how can i get it to read from my images folder on Android Devices and if theres any other tricks i might need.
without the <>… img src=“images/sword1.png”
Works for Pc but not android for some reason. Tried in different browsers as well but no luck. any advice would be appreciated!
Perhaps Android don’t adhere fully to the .png specifications ? in this case, the problem is akin to our frequent debates about Z-machine or glulx implementation in 'terps, so perhaps we can collectively tackle the issue. You can post a .png your computer groks but android don’t read correctly ?
You could embed the image data directly into the HTML file with base64 encoding. It’s very straight forward to do, actually, and then there is no local file access happening with the browser. All you need is the HTML file.
Programs, like Notepad++ can encode files into a base64 text string for use in HTML.
It would make the HTML file quite large though (not suitable for web delivery in most cases), but devices seem to handle larger files with ease these days. It’s worth a shot, in my opinion.