[HELP] Hybrid Choices prints twice when play begins

So I’m trying to use Hybrid Choices to manipulate “settings” within the game. I’ve got the following, which works well enough (room/description of room not included). I want the options to appear before the banner, with the banner happening afterwards. This works, but the prompt/options appear twice. Once I select an option, the rest proceeds as intended. What can I do to fix this?

Include Hybrid Choices by AW Freyr. 

The display banner rule is not listed in the startup rulebook.

player age is a text that varies. player activity is a text that varies.

age selection is a page. "You are...".

when play begins:
	switch to cyoa at age selection.
child is a page.
	"A small and happy little kid.".
	the cdesc is "a child.". it is for age selection.
	a page-toggle rule for child:
		now player age is "child";
		now player activity is "playing".
	it flips to game start.
adult is a page.
	"An adult, trekking through the daily slog.".
	the cdesc is "an adult.". it is for age selection.
	a page-toggle rule for adult:
		now player age is "adult";
		now player activity is "working".
	it flips to game start.
game start is a page.
	it is an end-page.
	a page-toggle rule for game start:
		say "[banner text]".

You’ll want to start with

instead of looking for the first time

instead. This is from the extension’s documentation:

Scenario 2: If you are getting repeated page descriptions in the beginning of the game, you are probably using “When play begins: switch to cyoa at p1.” instead of the proper “Instead of looking for the first time: switch to cyoa at p1.” Again, looking at the very beginning of a game is pretty much hardcoded behavior, and there’s nothing I can do to prevent it (or really should). Alternatively, you can use the “without looking” phrase option to suppress any duplicated page description, as in “switch to cyoa at p1, without looking”.